Desarrollo psicológico y educación J Palacios, Á Marchesi, C Coll Desarrollo psicológico y educación, 1990 | 1753* | 1990 |
Desenvolvimento psicológico e educação C Coll, J Palácios, Á Marchesi Artes Médicas, 1995 | 1388 | 1995 |
La cuestión escolar J Palacios Fontamara, 1999 | 1000 | 1999 |
I. Children in institutional care: Delayed development and resilience MH Van IJzendoorn, J Palacios, EJS Sonuga‐Barke, MR Gunnar, ... Monographs of the Society for research in child development 76 (4), 8-30, 2011 | 590 | 2011 |
Adoption research: Trends, topics, outcomes J Palacios, D Brodzinsky International journal of behavioral development 34 (3), 270-284, 2010 | 577 | 2010 |
Desarrollo psicológico y educación Á Marchesi, J Palacios, C Coll Desarrollo psicológico y educación, 2016 | 523* | 2016 |
Predicting process quality from structural quality in preschool programs: A cross-country comparison D Cryer, W Tietze, M Burchinal, T Leal, J Palacios Early childhood research quarterly 14 (3), 339-361, 1999 | 325 | 1999 |
Familia y desarrollo humano J Palacios, MJ Rodrigo Alianza, 1998 | 317 | 1998 |
Desenvolvimento Psicológico e Educação--Vol. 3: Transtornos de Desenvolvimento e Necessidades Educativas Especiais C Coll, Á Marchesi, J Palacios Penso Editora, 2016 | 250 | 2016 |
Comparisons of observed process quality in early child care and education programs in five countries W Tietze, D Cryer, J Bairrão, J Palacios, G Wetzel Early childhood research quarterly 11 (4), 447-475, 1996 | 231 | 1996 |
Conceptos y dimensiones en el análisis evolutivo-educativo de la familia MJR López, JP González Familia y desarrollo humano, 45-70, 1998 | 217 | 1998 |
Attachment goes to court: Child protection and custody issues T Forslund, P Granqvist, MH Van IJzendoorn, A Sagi-Schwartz, D Glaser, ... Attachment & Human Development 24 (1), 1-52, 2022 | 198 | 2022 |
O que é a adolescência J Palacios Desenvolvimento psicológico e educação: psicologia evolutiva 1 (2), 263-272, 1995 | 189 | 1995 |
Adoption in the service of child protection: An international interdisciplinary perspective. J Palacios, S Adroher, DM Brodzinsky, HD Grotevant, DE Johnson, ... Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 25 (2), 57, 2019 | 186 | 2019 |
II. Development of adopted children with histories of early adversity F Juffer, J Palacios, L Le Mare, EJS Sonuga‐Barke, W Tieman, ... Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development 76 (4), 31-61, 2011 | 180 | 2011 |
Psicología evolutiva: Adolescencia, madurez y senectud M Carretero, Á Marchesi, J Palacios Alianza editorial, 1998 | 165 | 1998 |
Beyond adopted/nonadopted comparisons. J Palacios, Y Sánchez-Sandoval Praeger Publishers/Greenwood Publishing Group, 2005 | 152 | 2005 |
Adoption breakdown: Concept, research, and implications J Palacios, N Rolock, J Selwyn, M Barbosa-Ducharne Research on Social Work Practice 29 (2), 130-142, 2019 | 150 | 2019 |
Psychological issues in adoption: Research and practice. DM Brodzinsky, JE Palacios Praeger Publishers/Greenwood Publishing Group, 2005 | 147 | 2005 |
Stimulating the child in the zone of proximal development: The role of parents' ideas J Palacios, MM González, MC Moreno Parental belief systems, 71-94, 2014 | 141 | 2014 |