Pascal Pagani
Pascal Pagani
Researcher, CEA, France
Patvirtintas el. paštas
MIMO power line communications: narrow and broadband standards, EMC, and advanced processing
LT Berger, A Schwager, P Pagani, D Schneider
CRC press, 2014
MIMO communications for inhome PLC networks: Measurements and results up to 100 MHz
R Hashmat, P Pagani, A Zeddam, T Chonavel
ISPLC2010, 120-124, 2010
An overview of the HomePlug AV2 technology
L Yonge, J Abad, K Afkhamie, L Guerrieri, S Katar, H Lioe, P Pagani, ...
Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2013 (1), 892628, 2013
MIMO power line communications
LT Berger, A Schwager, P Pagani, DM Schneider
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 17 (1), 106-124, 2014
A channel model for multiple input multiple output in-home power line networks
R Hashmat, P Pagani, A Zeddam, T Chonave
2011 IEEE international symposium on power line communications and its …, 2011
Ultra-wideband radio propagation channels: a practical approach
P Pagani, FT Talom, P Pajusco, B Uguen
John Wiley & Sons, 2013
Cognitive detection method of radio frequencies on power line networks
B Praho, M Tlich, P Pagani, A Zeddam, F Nouvel
ISPLC2010, 225-230, 2010
Characterization and modeling of temporal variations on an ultrawideband radio link
P Pagani, P Pajusco
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 54 (11), 3198-3206, 2006
Experimental assessment of the UWB channel variability in a dynamic indoor environment
P Pagani, P Pajusco
2004 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio …, 2004
Novel approach for PLC impulsive noise modelling
M Tlich, H Chaouche, A Zeddam, P Pagani
2009 IEEE International Symposium on Power Line Communications and Its …, 2009
European MIMO PLC field measurements: Noise analysis
P Pagani, R Hashmat, A Schwager, D Schneider, W Bäschlin
2012 IEEE International Symposium on Power Line Communications and Its …, 2012
Analysis and modeling of background noise for inhome MIMO PLC channels
R Hashmat, P Pagani, T Chonavel, A Zeddam
2012 IEEE International Symposium on Power Line Communications and Its …, 2012
A time-domain model of background noise for in-home MIMO PLC networks
R Hashmat, P Pagani, T Chonavel, A Zeddam
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 27 (4), 2082-2089, 2012
European MIMO PLC field measurements: Channel analysis
D Schneider, A Schwager, W Bäschlin, P Pagani
2012 IEEE International Symposium on Power Line Communications and Its …, 2012
European MIMO PLT field measurements: Overview of the ETSI STF410 campaign & EMI analysis
A Schwager, W Bäschlin, H Hirsch, P Pagani, N Weling, JLG Moreno, ...
2012 IEEE International Symposium on Power Line Communications and Its …, 2012
On the use of uniform circular arrays for characterizing UWB time reversal
P Pajusco, P Pagani
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 57 (1), 102-109, 2009
Caractérisation et modélisation du canal de propagation radio en contexte Ultra Large Bande
P Pagani
INSA de Rennes, 2005
A statistical model of the in-home MIMO PLC channel based on European field measurements
P Pagani, A Schwager
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 34 (7), 2033-2044, 2016
A study of the ultra-wide band indoor channel: Propagation experiment and measurement results
P Pagani, P Pajusco, S Voinot
International workshop on ultra wideband systems, ., 2003
Communications Ultra Large Bande: le canal de propagation radioélectrique
P Pagani, FT Talom, P Pajusco, B Uguen
Hermes science, 2007
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