Hanan Essa Ghanem
Hanan Essa Ghanem
Kiti vardaiHanan E. Ghanem, HE Ismaiel
Egypt, Agriculture Research Center, Field Crops Research Institute
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Exogenous salicylic acid and trehalose ameliorate short term drought stress in wheat cultivars by up-regulating membrane characteristics and antioxidant defense system
H Aldesuquy, H Ghanem
J. Hortic 2 (139), 2376-0354.1000139, 2015
Efficacy of seawater salinity on osmotic adjustment and solutes allocation in wheat (Triticum aestivum) flag leaf during grain filling
HS Aldesuquy, ZA Baka, OA El-Shehaby, HE Ghanem
International Journal of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 4 (3), 33-45, 2012
Exogenously supplied salicylic acid and trehalose protect growth vigor, chlorophylls and thylakoid membranes of wheat flag leaf from drought-induced damage
HS Aldesuquy, FL Ibraheem, HE Ghanem
Journal of Agriculture and Forest Meteorology Research 1 (1), 13-20, 2018
Varietal differences in growth vigor, water relations, protein and nucleic acids content of two wheat varieties grown under seawater stress
HS Aldesuquy, ZA Baka, OA El-Shehaby, HE Ghanem
Journal of Stress Physiology & Biochemistry 8 (1), 24-47, 2012
Wheat Drought Tolerance: Morpho-physiological criteria, stress indexes, and yield responses in newly sand soils
HE Ghanem, MO Al-Farouk
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 43 (7), 2234-2250, 2024
Silicon alleviates alkalinity stress of sorghum (Sorghum Bicolor L.) plants by improving plant water status, pigments, protein, nucleic acids and carbohydrates contents
HE Ghanem, HS Aldesuquy, HA Elshafii
Advances in Agricultural Technology and Plant Sciences Journal 2, 180027, 2019
Growth, lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzyme activities as a selection criterion for the salt tolerance of wheat cultivars irrigated by seawater
HS Aldesuquy, ZA Baka, OA El-Shehaby, HE Ghanem
Phyton 53, 153-165, 2013
Comparative effects of salicylic acid and/or trehalose on osmotic adjustment and solutes allocation of two droughted wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars
HS Aldesuquy, FL Ibraheem, HE Ghanem
Adv. Agric. Tech. Plant Sci 1, 180001, 2018
Assessment of salicylic acid and trehalose impact on root growth and water relations in relation to grain yield of droughted wheat cultivars
HS Aldesuquy, FL Ibraheem, HE Ghanem
Nutri. Food Sci. Int. J 7, 2018
Exogenous Silicon Ameliorate Alkalinity Stress in Sorghum (Sorghum Bicolor L.) Plants by Up-Regulating the Membrane Characteristics and Antioxidant Capacity Defense
HS Aldesuquy, HA Elshafii, HE Ghanem
Adv. Agric. Technol. Plant Sci. 1, 180002, 2018
Impact of Different Planting Techniques on Yield and its Component of Six Bread Wheat Cultivars
HE Ghanem, EMA Gebrel
Journal of Plant Production 15 (2), 45-49, 2024
Morpho-Anatomical Responses of Alkalinized Sorghum (Sorghum Bicolor L.) Cultivars to Silicon
HE Ghanem, HS Aldesuquy, HA Elshafii
Adv Agric Tech Plant Sci 2, 180037, 2019
Effect of sowing dates on productivity and seed quality on some wheat varieties
WS Elbatrawy, A Kishk, HE Ghanem
Egyptian Journal of Agricultural Research 101 (2), 497-504, 2023
Growth, Physiological Performance and Yield Traits Responses in Bread Wheat Cultivars under Drought, Sprinkler Irrigation and Potassium Levels Conditions
HE Ghanem, MO Al-Farouk, AS Shehata
Journal of Plant Production 15 (6), 311-327, 2024
Sakha 96: A new early maturing Egyptian bread wheat cultivar
MM AbdelAleem
Egyptian Journal of Agricultural Research, 2024
Evaluation of some Bread Wheat Cultivars Under Irrigation Intervals 1: Grain Yield, Its Attributes and Water Use Efficiency
MO Al-Farouk, HE Ghanem, BEM Elsmahy
Journal of Plant Production 15 (2), 69-74, 2024
Impact of Bio and Mineral Nitrogen Fertilization on Yield and Growth of Three Bread Wheat Cultivars under Clayey Soil
MO Al-Farouk, HE Ghanem, BE Elsmahy
Journal of Plant Production 14 (12), 627-630, 2023
Evaluation of Different Seed Rates of Six Bread Wheat Cultivars Based upon Yield and Yield Traits
EMA Gebrel, HEGE Ghanem
Journal of Plant Production 14 (12), 615-620, 2023
Enhancing Grain Yield Quality of Alkalinized Sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) Plants with Exogenous Application of Silicon
HE Ghanem, HS Aldesuquy, HA Elshafii
Enhancing Grain Yield Quality of Wheat with Exogenous Application of Salicylic Acid and Trehalose
FLIHEG Heshmat Soliman Aldesuquy
Current Trends in Biomedical Engineering & Biosciences 5 (15), 2018
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