Loes Abrahams
Social-emotional skill assessment in children and adolescents: Advances and challenges in personality, clinical, and educational contexts.
L Abrahams, G Pancorbo, R Primi, D Santos, P Kyllonen, OP John, ...
Psychological Assessment 31 (4), 460, 2019
18REST: a short RIASEC-interest measure for large-scale educational and vocational assessment
RAM Ambiel, N Hauck-Filho, LO Barros, GH Martins, L Abrahams, ...
Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica 31, 6, 2018
Person-situation dynamics in educational contexts: A self-and other-rated experience sampling study of teachers’ states, traits, and situations
L Abrahams, JF Rauthmann, FD Fruyt
European Journal of Personality 35 (4), 598-622, 2021
Development and psychometric properties of rubrics for assessing social-emotional skills in youth
G Pancorbo, R Primi, OP John, D Santos, L Abrahams, F De Fruyt
Studies in Educational Evaluation 67, 100938, 2020
Unraveling prospective reciprocal effects between parental invalidation and pre-adolescents’ borderline traits: between-and within-family associations and differences with …
R Franssens, L Abrahams, K Brenning, K Van Leeuwen, B De Clercq
Research on child and adolescent psychopathology 49 (10), 1387-1401, 2021
Structural alignment and its prosocial effects in first and second languages
L Abrahams, RJ Hartsuiker, F De Fruyt, MT Bajo
Acta Psychologica 199, 102906, 2019
Within-person personality variability in the work context: A blessing or a curse for job performance?
L Abrahams, J Vergauwe, F De Fruyt
Journal of Applied Psychology 108 (11), 1834, 2023
A teacher like me? Different approaches to examining personality similarity between teachers and students
G Pancorbo, M Decuyper, LE Kim, JA Laros, L Abrahams, FD Fruyt
European journal of personality 36 (5), 771-786, 2022
Syntactic chameleons: Are there individual differences in syntactic mimicry and its possible prosocial effects?
L Abrahams, F De Fruyt, RJ Hartsuiker
Acta Psychologica 191, 1-14, 2018
Social–emotional skills of teachers: mapping the content space and defining taxonomy requirements
J Scheirlinckx, L Van Raemdonck, L Abrahams, KC Teixeira, G Alves, ...
Frontiers in Education 8, 1094888, 2023
Capturing between-and within-person variability of borderline traits in youth from a developmentally sensitive situational judgment perspective
R Franssens, L Abrahams, L Van Raemdonck, L Verbeke, B De Clercq
Journal of personality assessment 105 (4), 499-507, 2023
Understanding Person-Situation Dynamics at Work: Effects of Traits, States, and Situation Characteristics on Teaching Performance
L Abrahams, JF Rauthmann, F De Fruyt
Social Psychological and Personality Science, 19485506241236812, 2024
Multiple lights on the dark side of personality
F De Fruyt, J Vergauwe, L Abrahams
20th Psychology Days in Zadar, 5-12, 2018
Fresh as a daisy: Within‐person associations between sleep, vitality, and self‐and other‐rated job performance
L Abrahams, J Hofmans, F De Fruyt
Journal of Organizational Behavior, 2024
Intraindividual variability in applied contexts: a comparison of self-reports versus observer-reports
L Abrahams
Ghent University, 2022
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