Samir Kouro
JI “Recent Advances and Industrial Applications of Multilevel Converters” IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol 57, no 8, 2010
S Kouro, M Malinowski, K Gopakumar, J Pou, LG Franquelo, B Wu, ...
Page (s), 2553-2580, 0
Recent advances and industrial applications of multilevel converters
S Kouro, M Malinowski, K Gopakumar, J Pou, LG Franquelo, B Wu, ...
Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on 57 (8), 2553-2580, 2010
Multilevel voltage-source-converter topologies for industrial medium-voltage drives
J Rodriguez, S Bernet, B Wu, JO Pontt, S Kouro
Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on 54 (6), 2930-2945, 2007
The age of multilevel converters arrives
LG Franquelo, J Rodriguez, JI Leon, S Kouro, R Portillo, MAM Prats
IEEE industrial electronics magazine 2 (2), 28-39, 2008
Model predictive control—A simple and powerful method to control power converters
S Kouro, P Cortés, R Vargas, U Ammann, J Rodríguez
IEEE Transactions on industrial electronics 56 (6), 1826-1838, 2008
Power Conversion and Control of Wind Energy Systems
B Wu, Y Lang, N Zargari, S Kouro
Wiley-IEEE Press, 2011
Circuit topologies, modeling, control schemes, and applications of modular multilevel converters
MA Perez, S Bernet, J Rodriguez, S Kouro, R Lizana
IEEE transactions on power electronics 30 (1), 4-17, 2014
BMultilevel converters: An enabling technology for high power applications
L Franquelo, J Rodrguez, S Kouro, J Leon, R Portillo, M Perez, MM Prats
Proc. IEEE, Nov, 2009
Grid-connected photovoltaic systems: An overview of recent research and emerging PV converter technology
S Kouro, JI Leon, D Vinnikov, LG Franquelo
IEEE Industrial Electronics Magazine 9 (1), 47-61, 2015
High-power wind energy conversion systems: State-of-the-art and emerging technologies
V Yaramasu, B Wu, PC Sen, S Kouro, M Narimani
Proceedings of the IEEE 103 (5), 740-788, 2015
Guidelines for weighting factors design in model predictive control of power converters and drives
P Cortes, S Kouro, B La Rocca, R Vargas, J Rodriguez, JI Leon, ...
Industrial Technology, 2009. ICIT 2009. IEEE International Conference on, 1-7, 2009
Model predictive control of multilevel cascaded H-bridge inverters
P Cortés, A Wilson, S Kouro, J Rodriguez, H Abu-Rub
Industrial Electronics, IEEE Transactions on 57 (8), 2691-2699, 2010
Model predictive control: MPC's role in the evolution of power electronics
S Kouro, MA Perez, J Rodriguez, AM Llor, HA Young
IEEE industrial electronics magazine 9 (4), 8-21, 2015
The essential role and the continuous evolution of modulation techniques for voltage-source inverters in the past, present, and future power electronics
JI Leon, S Kouro, LG Franquelo, J Rodriguez, B Wu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 63 (5), 2688-2701, 2016
Powering the future of industry: High-power adjustable speed drive topologies
S Kouro, J Rodriguez, B Wu, S Bernet, M Perez
IEEE industry applications magazine 18 (4), 26-39, 2012
Current-source converter and cycloconverter topologies for industrial medium-voltage drives
B Wu, J Pontt, J Rodríguez, S Bernet, S Kouro
IEEE transactions on industrial electronics 55 (7), 2786-2797, 2008
Electric vehicle charging station using a neutral point clamped converter with bipolar DC bus
S Rivera, B Wu, S Kouro, V Yaramasu, J Wang
IEEE transactions on Industrial Electronics 62 (4), 1999-2009, 2014
Improved active frequency drift anti-islanding detection method for grid connected photovoltaic systems
A Yafaoui, B Wu, S Kouro
IEEE transactions on power electronics 27 (5), 2367-2375, 2011
Use of stored energy in PMSG rotor inertia for low-voltage ride-through in back-to-back NPC converter-based wind power systems
S Alepuz, A Calle, S Busquets-Monge, S Kouro, B Wu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 60 (5), 1787-1796, 2012
High-performance torque and flux control for multilevel inverter fed induction motors
S Kouro, R Bernal, H Miranda, CA Silva, J Rodríguez
IEEE Transactions on Power electronics 22 (6), 2116-2123, 2007
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