Thomas Bovay
Thomas Bovay
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Quantitative compositional mapping of mineral phases by electron probe micro-analyser
P Lanari, A Vho, T Bovay, L Airaghi, S Centrella
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 478 (1), 39-63, 2019
Pervasive fluid-rock interaction in subducted oceanic crust revealed by oxygen isotope zoning in garnet
T Bovay, D Rubatto, P Lanari
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 176 (7), 55, 2021
Pressure–temperature–time evolution of subducted crust revealed by complex garnet zoning (Theodul Glacier Unit, Switzerland)
T Bovay, P Lanari, D Rubatto, M Smit, F Piccoli
Journal of metamorphic geology 40 (2), 175-206, 2022
Metamorphic geology: Microscale to mountain belts
P Lanari, A Vho, T Bovay, L Airaghi, S Centrella, S Ferrero, P Goncalves, ...
Geological Society, London, Special Publications,, 2018
Variations in water saturation states and their impact on eruption size and frequency at the Aso supervolcano, Japan
F Keller, RG Popa, J Allaz, T Bovay, AS Bouvier, N Geshi, A Miyakawa, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 622, 118400, 2023
Quantitative compositional mapping of mineral phases by electron probe micro-analyser. Geol Soc Spec Publ 478: 39–63
P Lanari, A Vho, T Bovay
Tin Mineralization in the Triassic Chacaltaya District (Cordillera Real, Bolivia) Traced by In Situ Chemical and δ18O-δ11B Compositions of Tourmaline
L Torró, M Harlaux, A Castro-Morante, J Vallance, L Tavazzani, ...
Economic Geology 119 (2), 471-500, 2024
Distal johannsenite-hedenbergite skarns at Madan, Bulgaria and their link to Pb-Zn mineralization: constraints from trace element analyses in skarn silicates
T Bovay, K Kouzmanov, A Dini, M Wälle, R Vassileva, I Gerdjikov
13th Swiss Geoscience Meeting-2015, Abstracts, 81, 2015
Quantitative compositional mapping of mineral phases by electron probe micro-analyser. Geol. Soc. London, Spec. Publ. 478, 39–63
P Lanari, A Vho, T Bovay, L Airaghi, S Centrella
SIMS Iron Isotope Measurements of the Balmat Pyrite Reference Material: A Non‐Unique δ56Fe Signature
V Pasquier, ES Rego, J Dupeyron, AS Bouvier, T Bovay, M Robyr, ...
Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 48 (2), 423-431, 2024
Surface Analysis by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS): Principles and Applications from Swiss Laboratories
JM Carbonne, A Kiss, AS Bouvier, A Meibom, L Baumgartner, T Bovay, ...
Chimia 76 (1-2), 26-33, 2022
Distal Johannsenite-hedenbergite Skarn as an Ore-forming Environment: Madan, Bulgaria
T Bovay
Section des Sciences de la Terre et de l'environnement [de] l'Université, 2016
OH incorporation and retention in eclogite-facies garnets from the Zermatt–Saas area (Switzerland) and their contribution to the deep water cycle
J Reynes, J Hermann, P Lanari, T Bovay
European Journal of Mineralogy 35 (4), 679-701, 2023
Apatite as a Tool to Quantify the Volatile Budget of Crystallising Plutonic Rocks
T Grocolas, A Toussaint, AS Bouvier, T Bovay, O Reubi, O Müntener
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2023, V41A-01, 2023
Multiple sulfur isotope composition analysis in sphalerite by SIMS: importance of instrumental mass fractionation effects
T Bovay, J Marin-Carbonne, AS Bouvier, K Kouzmanov, ND Greber, ...
Goldschmidt 2023 Conference, 2023
Variations in Water Saturation State Within the Subvolcanic Reservoir of the Aso Supervolcano (japan)
F Keller, RG Popa, RG Popa, J Allaz, J Allaz, T Bovay, T Bovay, ...
Geological Society of America Abstracts 55, 394412, 2023
Tourmaline composition records fluid-rock interaction: implications for cassiterite precipitation in the Triassic Chacaltaya district, Bolivia
L Torró, M Harlaux, A Castro-Morante, J Vallance, L Tavazzani, ...
Proceedings of the 17th SGA Biennial Meeting. Volume 1, 315-318, 2023
Trace elements and oxygen isotopes in garnet for reconstructing metamorphic reactions and fluid-rock interaction
D Rubatto, T Bovay, A Vho, M Rosa Scicchitano, P Lanari, J Hermann
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU22-4248, 2022
Pervasive fluid flow in subducted crust
D Rubatto, T Bovay, P Lanari
Goldschmidt2021• Virtual• 4-9 July, 2021
Growth, replacement and element diffusion in metamorphic garnet revealed by trace element mapping
D Rubatto, L Pierre, M Burger, B Hattendorf, G Schwarz, D Günther, ...
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU21-6050, 2021
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