Fei Zhang
Fei Zhang
The Institute of Optics and Electronics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Patvirtintas el. paštas
All‐dielectric metasurfaces for simultaneous giant circular asymmetric transmission and wavefront shaping based on asymmetric photonic spin–orbit interactions
F Zhang, M Pu, X Li, P Gao, X Ma, J Luo, H Yu, X Luo
Advanced Functional Materials 27 (47), 1704295, 2017
Extreme‐angle silicon infrared optics enabled by streamlined surfaces
F Zhang, M Pu, X Li, X Ma, Y Guo, P Gao, H Yu, M Gu, X Luo
Advanced Materials 33 (11), 2008157, 2021
Crosstalk-free achromatic full Stokes imaging polarimetry metasurface enabled by polarization-dependent phase optimization
Y Zhang, M Pu, J Jin, X Lu, Y Guo, J Cai, F Zhang, Y Ha, Q He, M Xu, X Li, ...
Opto-Electronic Advances 5 (11), 220058-1-220058-13, 2022
Plasmonic metasurfaces for switchable photonic spin–orbit interactions based on phase change materials
M Zhang, M Pu, F Zhang, Y Guo, Q He, X Ma, Y Huang, X Li, H Yu, X Luo
Advanced Science 5 (10), 1800835, 2018
Meta-optics empowered vector visual cryptography for high security and rapid decryption
F Zhang, Y Guo, M Pu, L Chen, M Xu, M Liao, L Li, X Li, X Ma, X Luo
Nature Communications 14 (1), 1946, 2023
Multistate switching of photonic angular momentum coupling in phase‐change metadevices
F Zhang, X Xie, M Pu, Y Guo, X Ma, X Li, J Luo, Q He, H Yu, X Luo
Advanced Materials 32 (39), 1908194, 2020
Simultaneous full‐color printing and holography enabled by centimeter‐scale plasmonic metasurfaces
F Zhang, M Pu, P Gao, J Jin, X Li, Y Guo, X Ma, J Luo, H Yu, X Luo
Advanced Science 7 (10), 1903156, 2020
Symmetry breaking of photonic spin-orbit interactions in metasurfaces
F Zhang, M Pu, J Luo, H Yu, X Luo
Opto-Electronic Engineering 44 (3), 319-325, 2017
Midinfrared real-time polarization imaging with all-dielectric metasurfaces
C Yan, X Li, M Pu, X Ma, F Zhang, P Gao, K Liu, X Luo
Applied Physics Letters 114 (16), 2019
Ultra-narrow band perfect absorbers based on Fano resonance in MIM metamaterials
M Zhang, J Fang, F Zhang, J Chen, H Yu
Optics Communications 405, 216-221, 2017
Large‐area low‐cost multiscale‐hierarchical metasurfaces for multispectral compatible camouflage of dual‐band lasers, infrared and microwave
X Feng, M Pu, F Zhang, R Pan, S Wang, J Gong, R Zhang, Y Guo, X Li, ...
Advanced Functional Materials 32 (36), 2205547, 2022
Classical and generalized geometric phase in electromagnetic metasurfaces
Y Guo, M Pu, F Zhang, M Xu, X Li, X Ma, X Luo
Photonics Insights 1 (1), R03-R03, 2022
Recent advances of wide-angle metalenses: principle, design, and applications
XG Luo, F Zhang, MB Pu, YH Guo, X Li, XL Ma
Nanophotonics 11 (1), 1-20, 2021
Catenary functions meet electromagnetic waves: opportunities and promises
X Luo, M Pu, Y Guo, X Li, F Zhang, X Ma
Advanced Optical Materials 8 (23), 2001194, 2020
Efficient generation and tight focusing of radially polarized beam from linearly polarized beam with all-dielectric metasurface
F Zhang, H Yu, J Fang, M Zhang, S Chen, J Wang, A He, J Chen
Optics Express 24 (6), 6656-6664, 2016
Emerging long‐range order from a freeform disordered metasurface
M Xu, Q He, M Pu, F Zhang, L Li, D Sang, Y Guo, R Zhang, X Li, X Ma, ...
Advanced Materials 34 (12), 2108709, 2022
Broadband functional metasurfaces: achieving nonlinear phase generation toward achromatic surface cloaking and lensing
Y Huang, M Pu, F Zhang, J Luo, X Li, X Ma, X Luo
Advanced Optical Materials 7 (7), 1801480, 2019
Toward high‐efficiency ultrahigh numerical aperture freeform metalens: from vector diffraction theory to topology optimization
D Sang, M Xu, M Pu, F Zhang, Y Guo, X Li, X Ma, Y Fu, X Luo
Laser & Photonics Reviews 16 (10), 2200265, 2022
Broadband terahertz absorber based on dispersion-engineered catenary coupling in dual metasurface
M Zhang, F Zhang, Y Ou, J Cai, H Yu
Nanophotonics 8 (1), 117-125, 2018
Monolithic metasurface spatial differentiator enabled by asymmetric photonic spin-orbit interactions
Q He, F Zhang, MB Pu, XL Ma, X Li, JJ Jin, YH Guo, XG Luo
Nanophotonics 10 (1), 741-748, 2020
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