Boris Nemzer
Boris Nemzer
University of Illinois
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Antioxidant activity of spices and their impact on human health: A review
A Yashin, Y Yashin, X Xia, B Nemzer
Antioxidants 6 (3), 70, 2017
Betalainic and nutritional profiles of pigment-enriched red beet root (Beta vulgaris L.) dried extracts
B Nemzer, Z Pietrzkowski, A Spórna, P Stalica, W Thresher, ...
Food chemistry 127 (1), 42-53, 2011
Antioxidant and antiradical activity of coffee
A Yashin, Y Yashin, JY Wang, B Nemzer
Antioxidants 2 (4), 230-245, 2013
Phytochemical and physical properties of blueberries, tart cherries, strawberries, and cranberries as affected by different drying methods
B Nemzer, L Vargas, X Xia, M Sintara, H Feng
Food Chemistry 262, 242-250, 2018
Phytochemical composition and nutritional value of different plant parts in two cultivated and wild purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.) genotypes
B Nemzer, F Al-Taher, N Abshiru
Food chemistry 320, 126621, 2020
Determination of the chemical composition of tea by chromatographic methods: a review
AY Yashin, BV Nemzer, E Combet, YI Yashin
Journal of Food Research 4 (3), 56-87, 2015
The antioxidant and chlorogenic acid profiles of whole coffee fruits are influenced by the extraction procedures
W Mullen, B Nemzer, B Ou, A Stalmach, J Hunter, MN Clifford, E Combet
Journal of agricultural and food chemistry 59 (8), 3754-3762, 2011
Cranberry: chemical composition, antioxidant activity and impact on human health: overview
BV Nemzer, F Al-Taher, A Yashin, I Revelsky, Y Yashin
Molecules 27 (5), 1503, 2022
Determination of antioxidant activity in tea extracts, and their total antioxidant content
A Yashin, Y Yashin, B Nemzer
American journal of biomedical sciences 3 (4), 322-335, 2011
Effects of controlled germination on selected physicochemical and functional properties of whole-wheat flour and enhanced γ-aminobutyric acid accumulation by ultrasonication
J Ding, GG Hou, BV Nemzer, S Xiong, A Dubat, H Feng
Food Chemistry 243, 214-221, 2018
Enhancement of gama-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and other health-related metabolites in germinated red rice (Oryza sativa L.) by ultrasonication
J Ding, AV Ulanov, M Dong, T Yang, BV Nemzer, S Xiong, S Zhao, ...
Ultrasonics sonochemistry 40, 791-797, 2018
Influence of betalain-rich extract on reduction of discomfort associated with osteoarthritis
Z Pietrzkowski, B Nemzer, A Spórna, P Stalica, W Tresher, R Keller, ...
New Med 1, 12-17, 2010
Polyphenolic and hydroxycinnamate contents of whole coffee fruits from China, India, and Mexico
W Mullen, B Nemzer, A Stalmach, S Ali, E Combet
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 61 (22), 5298-5309, 2013
Chemical composition and polyphenolic compounds of red wines: their antioxidant activities and effects on human health—a review
B Nemzer, D Kalita, AY Yashin, YI Yashin
Beverages 8 (1), 1, 2021
The fructoborates: Part of a family of naturally occurring sugar–borate complexes—Biochemistry, physiology, and impact on human health: A review
JM Hunter, BV Nemzer, N Rangavajla, A Biţă, OC Rogoveanu, J Neamţu, ...
Biological trace element research 188, 11-25, 2019
Modulatory effect of coffee fruit extract on plasma levels of brain-derived neurotrophic factor in healthy subjects
T Reyes-Izquierdo, B Nemzer, C Shu, L Huynh, R Argumedo, R Keller, ...
British Journal of Nutrition 110 (3), 420-425, 2013
Antioxidant activity of betanidin: electrochemical study in aqueous media
S Wybraniec, P Stalica, A Spórna, B Nemzer, Z Pietrzkowski, ...
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 59 (22), 12163-12170, 2011
Creation of a databank for content of antioxidants in food products by an amperometric method
YI Yashin, BV Nemzer, VY Ryzhnev, AY Yashin, NI Chernousova, ...
Molecules 15 (10), 7450-7466, 2010
Studies on nonenzymatic oxidation mechanisms in neobetanin, betanin, and decarboxylated betanins
S Wybraniec, K Starzak, A Skopińska, B Nemzer, Z Pietrzkowski, ...
Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 61 (26), 6465-6476, 2013
Chromatographic methods for coffee analysis: a review
A Yashin, Y Yashin, X Xia, B Nemzer
Journal of Food Research 6 (4), 60-82, 2017
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