I-Fan Lin
I-Fan Lin
Taipei Medical University Shuang Ho Hospital
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Reference frame of the ventriloquism aftereffect
N Kopčo, IF Lin, BG Shinn-Cunningham, JM Groh
Journal of Neuroscience 29 (44), 13809-13814, 2009
The effect of intranasal oxytocin versus placebo treatment on the autonomic responses to human sounds in autism: a single-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover …
IF Lin, M Kashino, H Ohta, T Yamada, M Tani, H Watanabe, C Kanai, ...
Molecular autism 5, 1-10, 2014
The singular nature of auditory and visual scene analysis in autism
IF Lin, A Shirama, N Kato, M Kashino
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 372 …, 2017
Atypical delayed auditory feedback effect and Lombard effect on speech production in high-functioning adults with autism spectrum disorder
IF Lin, T Mochida, K Asada, S Ayaya, SI Kumagaya, M Kato
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9, 510, 2015
Vocal identity recognition in autism spectrum disorder
IF Lin, T Yamada, Y Komine, N Kato, M Kato, M Kashino
PloS one 10 (6), e0129451, 2015
Excitation-inhibition balance and auditory multistable perception are correlated with autistic traits and schizotypy in a non-clinical population
HM Kondo, IF Lin
Scientific Reports 10 (1), 8171, 2020
Fast response to human voices in autism
IF Lin, TR Agus, C Suied, D Pressnitzer, T Yamada, Y Komine, N Kato, ...
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 26336, 2016
Enhanced segregation of concurrent sounds with similar spectral uncertainties in individuals with autism spectrum disorder
IF Lin, T Yamada, Y Komine, N Kato, M Kashino
Scientific Reports 5 (1), 10524, 2015
Trading directional accuracy for realism in a virtual auditory display
BG Shinn-Cunningham, IF Lin, T Streeter
1st. International Conference on Virtual Reality, 22-27, 2005
Hemisphere-specific properties of the ventriloquism aftereffect
N Kopčo, P Lokša, I Lin, J Groh, B Shinn-Cunningham
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 146 (2), EL177-EL183, 2019
Location and identity memory of saccade targets
IF Lin, A Gorea
Vision research 51 (3), 323-332, 2011
Brain circuits in autonomous sensory meridian response and related phenomena
IF Lin, HM Kondo
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 379 (1908), 20230252, 2024
Brain activations while processing degraded speech in adults with autism spectrum disorder
IF Lin, T Itahashi, M Kashino, N Kato, R Hashimoto
Neuropsychologia 152, 107750, 2021
Perceptual grouping over time within and across auditory and tactile modalities
IF Lin, M Kashino
Public Library of Science 7 (7), e41661, 2012
Recommendations and guidance for herpes zoster vaccination for adults in Taiwan
KY Lin, CH Wang, LY Su, IF Lin, CW Liu, PF Wu, WC Tsai, CN Chang, ...
Journal of Microbiology, Immunology and Infection, 2024
Difficulty with selective listening in autism spectrum disorder
M Kashino, IF Lin
Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 140 (4_Supplement), 3209-3209, 2016
Interstitial lung disease related to occupational hard metal exposure: two case reports
IF Lin, HC Shen, SF Lin, HC Chang, TT Chen
Journal of Medical Case Reports 17 (1), 312, 2023
Sounds and emotion: The relationship between ASMR and misophonia among Taiwanese
YL Wu, H Kondo, IF Lin
聴覚研究会資料= Proceedings of the auditory research meeting 51 (8), 551-553, 2021
Hemisphere-Specific Properties of the Ventriloquism Aftereffect in Humans and Monkeys
N Kopčo, P Lokša, I Lin, J Groh, B Shinn-Cunningham
bioRxiv, 564682, 2019
Vocal analysis of speech in adults with autism spectrum disorders
IF Lin, S Hiroya, K Asada, S Ayaya, S Kumagaya, M Kato
Acoustical Science and Technology 39 (2), 154-157, 2018
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