Fuad  alduais
Fuad alduais
استاذ الاحصاء جامعة الامير سطام بن عبد العزيز
Patvirtintas el. paštas
The flow, thermal and mass properties of Soret-Dufour model of magnetized Maxwell nanofluid flow over a shrinkage inclined surface
S Parvin, SSPM Isa, FS Al-Duais, SM Hussain, W Jamshed, R Safdar, ...
PLoS One 17 (4), e0267148, 2022
Modeling the epidemic trend of middle eastern respiratory syndrome coronavirus with optimal control
B Fatima, M Yavuz, MU Rahman, FS Al-Duais
Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering 20 (7), 11847-11874, 2023
On statistical development of neutrosophic gamma distribution with applications to complex data analysis
Z Khan, A Al-Bossly, MMA Almazah, FS Alduais
Complexity 2021 (1), 3701236, 2021
A unique Markov chain Monte Carlo method for forecasting wind power utilizing time series model
FS Al-Duais, RS Al-Sharpi
Alexandria Engineering Journal 74, 51-63, 2023
Mathematical modeling and analysis of the SARS-Cov-2 disease with reinfection
A Atifa, MA Khan, K Iskakova, FS Al-Duais, I Ahmad
Computational Biology and Chemistry 98, 107678, 2022
Blasius and Sakiadis flow of a Casson hybrid nanofluid over a moving plate
EA Algehyne, F Gamaoun, MMA Lashin, FS Al-Duais, S Singh, RN Kumar
Waves in Random and Complex Media, 1-18, 2022
Electrically conducting mixed convective flow of a hybrid nanoliquid over a rotating sphere with nonlinear thermal radiation
SA Lone, LA Al-Essa, A Al Bossly, FS Alduais, SM Eldin, A Saeed
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 49, 103165, 2023
Optimal periods of conducting preventive maintenance to reduce expected downtime and its impact on improving reliability
FS Al-Duais, ABA Mohamed, TM Jawa, N Sayed-Ahmed
Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience 2022 (1), 7105526, 2022
Bayesian reliability analysis based on the Weibull model under weighted General Entropy loss function
FS Al-Duais
Alexandria Engineering Journal 61 (1), 247-255, 2022
A theoretical and numerical study on fractional order biological models with Caputo Fabrizio derivative
M Rahman, A Althobaiti, MB Riaz, FS Al-Duais
Fractal and Fractional 6 (8), 446, 2022
Entropy minimization of GO–Ag/KO cross-hybrid nanofluid over a convectively heated surface
SA Lone, LA Al-Essa, A Al-Bossly, FS Alduais, F Ali, SM Eldin, A Saeed
Nanotechnology Reviews 12 (1), 20230101, 2023
Importance of bioconvection flow on tangent hyperbolic nanofluid with entropy minimization
M Faizan Ahmed, M Khalid, F Ali, A Al-Bossly, FS Alduais, SM Eldin, ...
Frontiers in Physics 11, 1154478, 2023
Numerical evaluation of Darcy Forchhemier hybrid nanofluid flow under the consequences of activation energy and second-order chemical reaction over a slender stretching sheet
M Bilal, FS Alduais, H Alrabaiah, A Saeed
Waves in Random and Complex Media, 1-16, 2022
Exploring the role of fractal-fractional operators in mathematical modelling of corruption
M Awadalla, M Rahman, FS Al-Duais, A Al-Bossly, K Abuasbeh, M Arab
Applied mathematics in science and engineering 31 (1), 2233678, 2023
Spatiotemporal analysis of meteorological drought variability in a homogeneous region using standardized drought indices
R Niaz, MMA Almazah, FS Al-Duais, N Iqbal, DM Khan, I Hussain
Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk 13 (1), 1457-1481, 2022
Dynamics of Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) involving fractional derivative with Mittag-Leffler kernel
T Mahmood, FS Al-Duais, M Sun
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and Its Applications 606, 128144, 2022
[Retracted] On Neutrosophic Extension of the Maxwell Model: Properties and Applications
F Shah, M Aslam, Z Khan, MMA Almazah, FS Alduais
Journal of Function Spaces 2022 (1), 4536260, 2022
Waves Random Complex Media (2022)
EA Algehyne, F Gamaoun, MA Lashin, FS Al-Duais, S Singhg, RN Kumar
Web of Science, 0
Bayesian analysis of record statistic from the Inverse Weibull distribution under balanced loss function
FS Al-Duais
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2021 (1), 6648462, 2021
Forecasting the performance of Tadawul all share index (TASI) using geometric Brownian motion and geometric fractional Brownian motion
M Alhagyan, F Alduais
Adv. Appl. Stat 62 (1), 55-65, 2020
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