Raafat Shaapan
Raafat Shaapan
Prof of zoonotic Diseases
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Sensitivity and specificity of various serological tests for the detection of Toxoplasma gondii infection in naturally infected sheep
RM Shaapan, FA El-Nawawi, MAA Tawfik
Veterinary Parasitology 153 (3-4), 359-362, 2008
The common zoonotic protozoal diseases causing abortion
RM Shaapan
j of Parasitic Disease (J Parasit Dis), 2015
Methods for Inactivation of Toxoplasma gondii Cysts in Meat and Tissues of Experimentally Infected Sheep
FA El-Nawawi, MA Tawfik, RM Shaapan
Foodborne Pathogens and Disease 5 (5), 687-690, 2008
Comparative serological diagnosis of toxoplasmosis in horses using locally isolated Toxoplasma gondii
AA Ghazy, RM Shaapan, EH Abdel-Rahman
Veterinary Parasitology 145 (1-2), 31-36, 2007
Recent biocontrol measures for fish bacterial diseases, in particular to probiotics, bio-encapsulated vaccines, and phage therapy
WS Soliman, RM Shaapan, LA Mohamed, SSR Gayed
Open veterinary journal 9 (3), 190–195-190–195, 2019
Therapeutic effect of onion (Allium cepa) and cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum) oils on cryptosporidiosis in experimentally infected mice
NMTA El Ezz, FAM Khalil, RM Shaapan
Glob Vet 7 (2), 179-183, 2011
Public health importance of foodborne pathogens
NA Hassanain, MA Hassanain, WM Ahmed, RM Shaapan, AM Barakat, ...
World Journal of Medical Sciences 9 (4), 208-222, 2013
Evaluation of primitive ground water supplies as a risk factor for the development of major waterborne zoonosis in Egyptian children living in rural areas
HA Elfadaly, NA Hassanain, MA Hassanain, AM Barakat, RM Shaapan
Journal of infection and public health 11 (2), 203-208, 2018
Comparison Between Insecticidal Activity of Lantana camara Extract and its Synthesized Nanoparticles Against Anopheline mosquitoes.
N Abd El Hafiz Hassanain, M Shaapan, M Abd El Hafiz Hassanain, ...
Pakistan Journal of Biological Sciences: PJBS 22 (7), 327-334, 2019
Species Diversity and Seasonal Distribution of Hard Ticks (Acari: Ixodidae) Infesting Mammalian Hosts in Various Districts of Riyadh Province, Saudi Arabia
AD Alanazi, HI Al-Mohammed, MS Alyousif, AE Said, B Salim, ...
Journal of medical entomology 56 (4), 1027-1032, 2019
Tick-borne pathogens in ticks and blood samples collected from camels in Riyadh Province, Saudi Arabia
AD Alanazi, S Abdullah, C Helps, R Wall, R Puschendorf, SA Alharbi, ...
International Journal of Zoological Research 14 (1), 30, 2018
Zoonotic chicken toxoplasmosis in some Egyptians governorates.
AM Barakat, LM Salem, AM El-Newishy, RM Shaapan, EK El-Mahllawy
Pakistan journal of biological sciences: PJBS 15 (17), 821-826, 2012
Cryptosporidiosis in animals and man: 1. Taxonomic classification, life cycle, epidemiology and zoonotic importance.
AA Ghazy, S Abdel-Shafy, RM Shaapan
Isolation of Toxoplasma gondii from horse meat in Egypt.
RM Shaapan, AA Ghazy
Pakistan journal of biological sciences: PJBS 10 (1), 174-177, 2007
Molecular detection and genotyping of Toxoplasma gondii from Egyptian isolates.
HA Elfadaly, NA Hassanain, RM Shaapan, MA Hassanain, AM Barakat, ...
Biological assay of Toxoplasma gondii Egyptian mutton isolates
MA Hassanain, HA Elfadaly, RM Shaapan, NA Hassanain, AM Barakat
International Journal of Zoological Research 7 (4), 330-337, 2011
Myrtus communis Essential Oil; Anti-Parasitic Effects and Induction of the Innate Immune System in Mice with Toxoplasma gondii Infection
RM Shaapan, HR Al-Abodi, AD Alanazi, S Abdel-Shafy, M Rashidipour, ...
Molecules 26 (4), 819, 2021
Serological and hormonal assays of murine materno-fetal Toxoplasma gondii infection with emphasis on virulent strains
HA Elfadaly, MA Hassanain, RM Shaapan, AM Barakat, NI Toaleb
World J. Med. Sci 7 (4), 248-254, 2012
Sero-epidemiological value of some hydatid cyst antigen in diagnosis of human cystic echinococcosis
MA Hassanain, RM Shaapan, FAM Khalil
Journal of Parasitic Diseases 40 (1), 52-56, 2016
Modified agglutination test for serologic survey of Toxoplasma gondii infection in goats and water buffaloes in Egypt.
RM Shaapan, MA Hassanain, FAM Khalil
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