Werner Härdtle
Werner Härdtle
University of Lüneburg - Institute of Ecology
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Impacts of species richness on productivity in a large-scale subtropical forest experiment
Y Huang, Y Chen, N Castro-Izaguirre, M Baruffol, M Brezzi, A Lang, Y Li, ...
Science 362 (6410), 80-83, 2018
Ecosystem services as a boundary object for sustainability
DJ Abson, H Von Wehrden, S Baumgärtner, J Fischer, J Hanspach, ...
Ecological Economics 103, 29-37, 2014
Verzeichnis und Rote Liste der Pflanzengesellschaften Deutschlands: mit Datenservice auf CD-ROM; Referate und Ergebnisse des gleichnamigen Fachsymposiums in Bonn vom 30.06.-02 …
E Rennwald, T Bartram, C Berg, E Bergmeier, A Bettinger, A Blümel, ...
Schriftenreihe für Vegetationskunde 35, 1-592, 2000
Designing forest biodiversity experiments: general considerations illustrated by a new large experiment in subtropical C hina
H Bruelheide, K Nadrowski, T Assmann, J Bauhus, S Both, F Buscot, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5 (1), 74-89, 2014
Sustainable development and conservation of biodiversity in Latin America: The case of Ecuador
M Rieckmann, M Adomßent, W Härdtle, P Aguirre
Springer Science & Business Media, 2011
Community assembly during secondary forest succession in a Chinese subtropical forest
H Bruelheide, M Böhnke, S Both, T Fang, T Assmann, M Baruffol, ...
Ecological Monographs 81 (1), 25-41, 2011
The effects of light and soil conditions on the species richness of the ground vegetation of deciduous forests in northern Germany (Schleswig-Holstein)
W Härdtle, G von Oheimb, C Westphal
Forest ecology and management 182 (1-3), 327-338, 2003
Biodiversity across trophic levels drives multifunctionality in highly diverse forests
A Schuldt, T Assmann, M Brezzi, F Buscot, D Eichenberg, J Gutknecht, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 2989, 2018
Is the reverse J-shaped diameter distribution universally applicable in European virgin beech forests?
C Westphal, N Tremer, G von Oheimb, J Hansen, K von Gadow, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 223 (1-3), 75-83, 2006
Site use of grazing cattle and sheep in a large-scale pasture landscape: A GPS/GIS assessment
D Putfarken, J Dengler, S Lehmann, W Härdtle
Applied Animal Behaviour Science 111 (1-2), 54-67, 2008
Multiple plant diversity components drive consumer communities across ecosystems
A Schuldt, A Ebeling, M Kunz, M Staab, C Guimarães-Steinicke, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 1460, 2019
From competition to facilitation: how tree species respond to neighbourhood diversity
A Fichtner, W Härdtle, Y Li, H Bruelheide, M Kunz, G von Oheimb
Ecology Letters 20 (7), 892-900, 2017
Tree diversity promotes insect herbivory in subtropical forests of south‐east China
A Schuldt, M Baruffol, M Böhnke, H Bruelheide, W Härdtle, AC Lang, ...
Journal of ecology 98 (4), 917-926, 2010
Structural pattern of a near-natural beech forest (Fagus sylvatica)(Serrahn, North-east Germany)
G von Oheimb, C Westphal, H Tempel, W Härdtle
Forest Ecology and Management 212 (1-3), 253-263, 2005
On the combined effect of soil fertility and topography on tree growth in subtropical forest ecosystems—a study from SE China
T Scholten, P Goebes, P Kühn, S Seitz, T Assmann, J Bauhus, ...
Journal of Plant Ecology 10 (1), 111-127, 2017
Establishment success in a forest biodiversity and ecosystem functioning experiment in subtropical China (BEF-China)
X Yang, J Bauhus, S Both, T Fang, W Härdtle, W Kröber, K Ma, ...
European Journal of Forest Research 132, 593-606, 2013
Species richness stabilizes productivity via asynchrony and drought-tolerance diversity in a large-scale tree biodiversity experiment
F Schnabel, X Liu, M Kunz, KE Barry, FJ Bongers, H Bruelheide, ...
Science advances 7 (51), eabk1643, 2021
Neighbourhood interactions drive overyielding in mixed-species tree communities
A Fichtner, W Härdtle, H Bruelheide, M Kunz, Y Li, G Von Oheimb
Nature communications 9 (1), 1144, 2018
Crown plasticity and neighborhood interactions of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) in an old-growth forest
M Schröter, W Härdtle, G von Oheimb
European Journal of Forest Research 131, 787-798, 2012
Effects of anthropogenic disturbances on soil microbial communities in oak forests persist for more than 100 years
A Fichtner, G Von Oheimb, W Härdtle, C Wilken, JLM Gutknecht
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 70, 79-87, 2014
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