Ian Goodwin
Ian Goodwin
Associate Professor, University of Auckland
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Youth drinking cultures, social networking and alcohol marketing: Implications for public health
T McCreanor, A Lyons, C Griffin, I Goodwin, H Moewaka Barnes, F Hutton
Critical Public Health 23 (1), 110-120, 2013
“Everyone can loosen up and get a bit of a buzz on”: Young adults, alcohol and friendship practices
P Niland, AC Lyons, I Goodwin, F Hutton
International Journal of Drug Policy 24 (6), 530-537, 2013
‘See it doesn’t look pretty does it?’Young adults’ airbrushed drinking practices on Facebook
P Niland, AC Lyons, I Goodwin, F Hutton
Psychology & health 29 (8), 877-895, 2014
The European Union and the Information Society: Discourse, Power and Policy
I Goodwin, S Spittle
New Media & Society 4 (2), 225-249, 2002
Alcohol and social media: drinking and drunkenness while online
H Moewaka Barnes, T McCreanor, I Goodwin, A Lyons, C Griffin, F Hutton
Critical Public Health 26 (1), 62-76, 2016
“When you add alcohol, it gets that much better” university students, alcohol consumption, and online drinking cultures
R Hebden, AC Lyons, I Goodwin, T McCreanor
Journal of Drug Issues 45 (2), 214-226, 2015
Precarious popularity: Facebook drinking photos, the attention economy, and the regime of the branded self
I Goodwin, C Griffin, A Lyons, T McCreanor, H Moewaka Barnes
Social Media+ Society 2 (1), 2056305116628889, 2016
Social networking and young adults’ drinking practices: Innovative qualitative methods for health behavior research.
AC Lyons, I Goodwin, T McCreanor, C Griffin
Health Psychology 34 (4), 293, 2015
Friendship work on Facebook: Young adults' understandings and practices of friendship
P Niland, AC Lyons, I Goodwin, F Hutton
Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology 25 (2), 123-137, 2015
‘Drink a 12 box before you go’: pre-loading among young people in Aotearoa New Zealand
T McCreanor, A Lyons, H Moewaka Barnes, F Hutton, I Goodwin, C Griffin
Kōtuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online 11 (1), 36-46, 2016
Flaunting it on Facebook: Young adults, drinking cultures and the cult of celebrity
A Lyons, T McCreanor, F Hutton, I Goodwin, HM Barnes, C Griffin, ...
Massey University School of Psychology, 2014
Youth drinking cultures in a digital world
A Lyons, T Mccreanor, I Goodwin, H Barnes
Alcohol, Social Media and Cultures of Intoxication. London, 2017
Facebook and the fun of drinking photos: Reproducing gendered regimes of power
AC Lyons, I Goodwin, C Griffin, T McCreanor, H Moewaka Barnes
Social Media+ Society 2 (4), 2056305116672888, 2016
The Internet in New Zealand 2009
P Smith, N Smith, K Sherman, I Goodwin, C Crothers, J Billot, A Bell
Institute of Culture, Discourse & Communication, 2010
The Internet: Social and demographic impacts in Aotearoa New Zealand
P Smith, N Smith, K Sherman, K Kripalani, I Goodwin, C Crothers, A Bell
Observatorio (OBS*) 2 (3), 2008
Neoliberalism, alcohol and identity: A symptomatic reading of young people’s drinking cultures in a digital world
I Goodwin, C Griffin
Youth drinking cultures in a digital world, 15-30, 2017
The Internet in New Zealand 2007: Final report
A Bell, C Crothers, I Goodwin, K Kripalnai, K Sherman, P Smith
Institute of Culture, Discourse & Communication, 2008
Researching online visual displays on social networking sites: Methodologies and meanings
A Tonks, AC Lyons, I Goodwin
Qualitative Research in Psychology 12 (3), 326-339, 2015
Limbic platform capitalism: understanding the contemporary marketing of health-demoting products on social media
AC Lyons, I Goodwin, N Carah, J Young, A Moewaka Barnes, ...
Addiction Research & Theory 31 (3), 178-183, 2023
Youth drinking cultures in Aotearoa
A Lyons, T McCreanor, I Goodwin, C Griffin, F Hutton, HM Barnes, L Samu, ...
Sites: A Journal of Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies 11 (2), 78-102, 2014
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