Ming Zhang
The Role of Land Use in Travel Mode Choice: Evidence from Boston and Hong Kong
M Zhang
Journal of the American Planning Association 70 (3), 344-360, 2004
Influence of Urban Form on Travel Behaviour in Four Neighbourhoods of Shanghai
H Pan, Q Shen, M Zhang (corresponding author)
Urban Studies 46 (2), 275-294, 2009
Varying influences of the built environment on household travel in 15 diverse regions of the United States
reid Ewing, G Tian, JP Goates, M Zhang, M Greenwald, A Joyce, J Kircher, ...
urban studies 52 (13), 2330-2348, 2015
Traffic generated by mixed-use developments—Six-region study using consistent built environmental measures
R Ewing, M Greenwald, M Zhang, J Walters, M Feldman, R Cervero, ...
J. Urban Plann. Dev. 137 (3), 248-261, 2010
Metrics of Urban Form and the Modifiable Areal Unit Problem
M Zhang, N Kukadia
Transportation Research Record 1902, 71-79, 2005
Rail transit impacts on land use: Evidence from Shanghai, China
haixiao pan, ming zhang
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board …, 2008
China University of Geosciences Wuhan
Q Zhang
China, 0
The impact of urban rail transit on commercial property value: New evidence from Wuhan, China
tao xu, ming zhang
transportation research part a 91, 225-235, 2016
High-speed rail impacts on travel times, accessibility, and economic productivity: A benchmarking analysis in city-cluster regions of China
liwen liu, ming zhang
journal of transport geography 73, 25-40, 2018
Measuring the impact of urban form and transit access on mixed use site trip generation rates—Portland pilot study
R Ewing, MJ Greenwald, M Zhang, J Walters, M Feldman, R Cervero, ...
US Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC, 2009
Chinese edition of Transit-Oriented Development
M Zhang
Transportation Research Record 2038, 16-25, 2007
The impacts of mass transit on land development in China: The case of Beijing
M Zhang, L Wang
Research in Transportation Economics 40 (1), 124-133, 2013
Travel Choice with No Alternative Can Land Use Reduce Automobile Dependence?
M Zhang
Journal of Planning Education and Research 25 (3), 311-326, 2006
Determining transit's impact on Seoul commercial land values: an application of spatial econometrics
J Kim, M Zhang
International Real Estate Review 8 (1), 1-26, 2005
Exploring the relationship between the built environment and non-work travel through time use modeling: A Boston case study
ming zhang
. Journal of Landscape and Urban Planning 73, 244-261, 2005
Bus versus rail: Meta-analysis of cost characteristics, carrying capacities, and land use impacts
M Zhang
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board …, 2009
Effects of rail transit on residential property values: Comparison study on the rail transit lines in Houston, Texas, and Shanghai, China
Q Pan, H Pan, M Zhang, B Zhong
Transportation Research Record 2453 (1), 118-127, 2014
Transit development shaping urbanization: Evidence from the housing market in Beijing
M Zhang, X Meng, L Wang, T Xu
Habitat International 44, 545-554, 2014
Analysis of citizens' motivation and participation intention in urban planning
W Li, T Feng, HJP Timmermans, Z Li, M Zhang, B Li
Cities 106, 102921, 2020
How does City-cluster high-speed rail facilitate regional integration? Evidence from the Shanghai-Nanjing corridor
J Xu, M Zhang, X Zhang, D Wang, Y Zhang
Cities 85, 83-97, 2019
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