Mohammad Mahdi Rajabi
Mohammad Mahdi Rajabi
University of Luxembourg, and Tarbiat Modares University
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Predicting hourly air pollutant levels using artificial neural networks coupled with uncertainty analysis by Monte Carlo simulations
M Arhami, N Kamali, MM Rajabi
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 20, 4777-4789, 2013
Polynomial chaos expansions for uncertainty propagation and moment independent sensitivity analysis of seawater intrusion simulations
MM Rajabi, B Ataie-Ashtiani, CT Simmons
Journal of Hydrology 520, 101-122, 2015
Efficiency enhancement of optimized Latin hypercube sampling strategies: application to Monte Carlo uncertainty analysis and meta-modeling
MM Rajabi, B Ataie-Ashtiani, H Janssen
Advances in Water Resources 76, 127-139, 2015
Uncertainty-based simulation-optimization using Gaussian process emulation: application to coastal groundwater management
MM Rajabi, H Ketabchi
Journal of hydrology 555, 518-534, 2017
Optimal management of a freshwater lens in a small island using surrogate models and evolutionary algorithms
B Ataie-Ashtiani, H Ketabchi, MM Rajabi
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 19 (2), 339-354, 2014
Model-data interaction in groundwater studies: Review of methods, applications and future directions
MM Rajabi, B Ataie-Ashtiani, CT Simmons
Journal of hydrology 567, 457-477, 2018
Sampling efficiency in Monte Carlo based uncertainty propagation strategies: application in seawater intrusion simulations
MM Rajabi, B Ataie-Ashtiani
Advances in Water Resources 67, 46-64, 2014
Inverse modelling for freshwater lens in small islands: Kish Island, Persian Gulf
B Ataie‐Ashtiani, MM Rajabi, H Ketabchi
Hydrological processes 27 (19), 2759-2773, 2013
Efficient fuzzy Bayesian inference algorithms for incorporating expert knowledge in parameter estimation
MM Rajabi, B Ataie-Ashtiani
Journal of Hydrology 536, 255-272, 2016
Analyzing the efficiency and robustness of deep convolutional neural networks for modeling natural convection in heterogeneous porous media
MM Rajabi, MRH Javaran, A Bah, G Frey, F Le Ber, F Lehmann, M Fahs
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 183, 122131, 2022
Review and comparison of two meta-model-based uncertainty propagation analysis methods in groundwater applications: polynomial chaos expansion and Gaussian process emulation
MM Rajabi
Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment 33, 607-631, 2019
Leak detection and localization in water distribution networks using conditional deep convolutional generative adversarial networks
MM Rajabi, P Komeilian, X Wan, R Farmani
Water Research 238, 120012, 2023
Stochastic techno-economic analysis of CO2-circulated geothermal energy production in a closed reservoir system
MM Rajabi, M Chen, A Bozorgpour, A Al-Maktoumi, A Izady
Geothermics 96, 102202, 2021
Uncertainty quantification and global sensitivity analysis of double-diffusive natural convection in a porous enclosure
MM Rajabi, M Fahs, A Panjehfouladgaran, B Ataie-Ashtiani, CT Simmons, ...
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 162, 120291, 2020
Evaluation of CO2 sequestration and circulation in fault-bounded thin geothermal reservoirs in North Oman using response surface methods
M Chen, A Al-Maktoumi, MM Rajabi, A Izady, H Al-Mamari, J Cai
Journal of Hydrology 598, 126411, 2021
An improved Kalman filtering approach for the estimation of unsaturated flow parameters by assimilating photographic imaging data
MM Rajabi, B Belfort, F Lehmann, S Weill, B Ataie-Ashtiani, M Fahs
Journal of Hydrology 590, 125373, 2020
Joint identification of contaminant source characteristics and hydraulic conductivity in a tide-influenced coastal aquifer
A Dodangeh, MM Rajabi, J Carrera, M Fahs
Journal of contaminant hydrology 247, 103980, 2022
Modeling transient natural convection in heterogeneous porous media with Convolutional Neural Networks
AG Virupaksha, T Nagel, F Lehmann, MM Rajabi, H Hoteit, M Fahs, ...
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 222, 125149, 2024
Contaminant source characterization in a coastal aquifer influenced by tidal forces and density-driven flow
A Panjehfouladgaran, MM Rajabi
Journal of Hydrology 610, 127807, 2022
A probabilistic multiperiod simulation–optimization approach for dynamic coastal aquifer management
A Al-Maktoumi, MM Rajabi, S Zekri, C Triki
Water Resources Management 35 (11), 3447-3462, 2021
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