Sreevas Sahasranamam
Sreevas Sahasranamam
Professor, Adam Smith Business School, University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Immigrant entrepreneurship: A review and research agenda
M Dabić, B Vlačić, J Paul, LP Dana, S Sahasranamam, B Glinka
Journal of Business Research 113, 25-38, 2020
Individual capital and social entrepreneurship: Role of formal institutions
S Sahasranamam, MK Nandakumar
Journal of Business Research 107, 104-117, 2020
Ownership structure and corporate social responsibility in an emerging market
S Sahasranamam, B Arya, M Sud
Asia Pacific Journal of Management 37 (4), 1165-1192, 2020
Multinational enterprises and the governance of sustainability practices in emerging market supply chains: An agile governance perspective
V Soundararajan, S Sahasranamam, Z Khan, T Jain
Journal of World Business 56 (2), 101149, 2021
Technological innovation research in China and India: A bibliometric analysis for the period 1991–2015
D Chatterjee, S Sahasranamam
Management and Organization Review 14 (1), 179-221, 2018
Frugal innovations: A multidisciplinary review & agenda for future research
M Dabić, T Obradović, B Vlačić, S Sahasranamam, J Paul
Journal of Business Research 142, 914-929, 2022
Corporate social entrepreneurship in India
A Agrawal, S Sahasranamam
South Asian Journal of Global Business Research 5 (2), 214-233, 2016
Opportunity and necessity entrepreneurship: A comparative study of India and China
S Sahasranamam, M Sud
Academy of Entrepreneurship Journal 22 (1), 21-40, 2016
Act or wait-and-see? Adversity, agility, and entrepreneur wellbeing across countries during the Covid-19 pandemic
U Stephan, P Zbierowski, A Pérez-Luño, D Wach, J Wiklund, ...
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 47 (3), 682-723, 2023
An exploratory study into emerging market SMEs’ involvement in the circular Economy: Evidence from India’s indigenous Ayurveda industry
V Pereira, MK Nandakumar, S Sahasranamam, U Bamel, A Malik, ...
Journal of Business Research 142, 188-199, 2022
Entrepreneurship during the Covid-19 Pandemic: A global study of entrepreneurs' challenges, resilience, and well-being
U Stephan, P Zbierowski, A Pérez-Luño, A Klausen, MA Cabañas, E Barki, ...
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2021/2022 Global Report: Opportunity Amid Disruption
S Hill, A Ionescu-Somers, A Coduras, M Guerrero, MA Roomi, N Bosma, ...
Expo 2020 Dubai, 2022
Upgrading without formal integration in M&A: the role of social integration
R Torres de Oliveira, S Sahasranamam, S Figueira, J Paul
Global Strategy Journal 10 (3), 619-652, 2020
Knowledge capital in social and commercial entrepreneurship: investigating the role of informal institutions
S Sahasranamam, MK Nandakumar, V Pereira, Y Temouri
Journal of International Management 27 (1), 100833, 2021
Doubly disadvantaged: gender, spatially concentrated deprivation and nascent entrepreneurial activity
E Murzacheva, S Sahasranamam, J Levie
European Management Review 17 (3), 669-685, 2020
Knowledge sources and international business activity in a changing innovation ecosystem: A study of the Indian pharmaceutical industry
S Sahasranamam, S Rentala, EL Rose
Management and Organization Review 15 (3), 595-614, 2019
Innovation ecosystems: what makes them responsive during emergencies?
S Sahasranamam, V Soundararajan
British Journal of Management 33 (1), 369-389, 2022
Global Entrepreneurship Monitor 2022/2023 Global Report: Adapting to a" New Normal"
S Hill, A Ionescu-Somers, A Coduras Martínez, M Guerrero, E Menipaz, ...
Global Entrepreneurship Research Association, 2023
Individual resources, property rights and entrepreneurship in China
S Sahasranamam, GV Raman
International Journal of Emerging Markets 13 (6), 1502-1521, 2018
Automated online Blood bank database
M Arif, S Sahasranamam, K Nafseer, R Rahul
2012 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), 012-017, 2012
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