Turgay İbrikci
Turgay İbrikci
Prof. Dr., Adana Alparslan Türkeş Science and Technology University
Patvirtintas el. paštas
A comparative study on the effect of feature selection on classification accuracy
EM Karabulut, SA Özel, T Ibrikci
Procedia Technology 1, 323-327, 2012
PCA based clustering for brain tumor segmentation of T1w MRI images
IE Kaya, AÇ Pehlivanlı, EG Sekizkardeş, T Ibrikci
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 140, 19-28, 2017
Slime mould algorithm: A comprehensive survey of its variants and applications
FS Gharehchopogh, A Ucan, T Ibrikci, B Arasteh, G Isik
Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering 30 (4), 2683-2723, 2023
An improved African vultures optimization algorithm using different fitness functions for multi-level thresholding image segmentation
FS Gharehchopogh, T Ibrikci
Multimedia Tools and Applications 83, 16929–16975, 2024
Analysis of cardiotocogram data for fetal distress determination by decision tree based adaptive boosting approach
EM Karabulut, T Ibrikci
Journal of Computer and Communications 2 (9), 32-37, 2014
Effective diagnosis of coronary artery disease using the rotation forest ensemble method
EM Karabulut, T İbrikçi
Journal of medical systems 36, 3011-3018, 2012
Effective automated prediction of vertebral column pathologies based on logistic model tree with SMOTE preprocessing
EM Karabulut, T Ibrikci
Journal of medical systems 38, 1-9, 2014
Current overview of renewable energy resources in Rwanda
J de Dieu Uwisengeyimana, A Teke, T Ibrikci
Journal of Energy and Natural Resources 5 (6), 92-97, 2016
Classifying breast cancer by using decision tree algorithms
NK Al-Salihy, T Ibrikci
Proceedings of the 6th international conference on software and computer …, 2017
Application of artificial neural networks (ANNs) for weight predictions of blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus Rathbun, 1896) using predictor variables
CT Bilen, P Kokcu, T Ibrikci
Mediterranean Marine Science 12 (2), 439-446, 2011
Discriminative deep belief networks for microarray based cancer classification
EM Karabulut, T Ibrikci
Biomed. Res 28 (3), 1016-1024, 2017
Texture analysis of Melanoma Images for Computer-aided Diagnosis
E Mahsereci Karabulut, T Ibrikci
Annual Int'l Conference on Intelligent Computing, Computer Science …, 2016
Application of statistical and artificial intelligence techniques for medium-term electrical energy forecasting: A case study for a regional hospital
O Timur, K Zor, Ö Çelik, A Teke, T İbrikçi
Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems …, 2020
Emphysema discrimination from raw HRCT images by convolutional neural networks
EM Karabulut, T Ibrikci
2015 9th International Conference on Electrical and Electronics Engineering …, 2015
Diagnosis of several diseases by using combined kernels with support vector machine
T Ibrikci, D Ustun, IE Kaya
Journal of medical systems 36, 1831-1840, 2012
Diagnosing knee osteoarthritis using artificial neural networks and deep learning
J de Dieu Uwisengeyimana, T Ibrikci
Biomedical Statistics and Informatics 2 (3), 95, 2017
Classification of real imbalanced cardiovascular data using feature selection and sampling methods: A case study with neural networks and logistic regression
J Bektas, T Ibrikci, IT Ozcan
International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools 26 (06), 1750019, 2017
Displacement analysis of robotic frames for reliable and versatile use as external fixator
İD Akçalı, E Avşar, MK Ün, A Aydın, T Ibrikci, H Mutlu, ÖS Biçer, C Özkan, ...
The 4th annual IEEE International Conference on Cyber technology in …, 2014
A Bayesian Scoring Scheme based Particle Swarm Optimization algorithm to identify transcription factor binding sites
M Karabulut, T Ibrikci
Applied Soft Computing 12 (9), 2846-2855, 2012
Application of artificial neural networks in the prediction of critical buckling loads of helical compression springs
T Ibrikçi, S Sacma, V Yıldırım, T Koca
Strojniški vestnik-Journal of Mechanical Engineering 56 (6), 409-417, 2010
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