Gina Mills
Gina Mills
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Tropospheric ozone and its precursors from the urban to the global scale from air quality to short-lived climate forcer
PS Monks, AT Archibald, A Colette, O Cooper, M Coyle, R Derwent, ...
Atmospheric chemistry and physics 15 (15), 8889-8973, 2015
A synthesis of AOT40-based response functions and critical levels of ozone for agricultural and horticultural crops
G Mills, A Buse, B Gimeno, V Bermejo, M Holland, L Emberson, H Pleijel
Atmospheric Environment 41 (12), 2630-2643, 2007
Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report: Present-day tropospheric ozone distribution and trends relevant to vegetation
G Mills, H Pleijel, CS Malley, B Sinha, OR Cooper, MG Schultz, ...
Elem Sci Anth 6, 47, 2018
Evidence of widespread effects of ozone on crops and (semi‐) natural vegetation in Europe (1990–2006) in relation to AOT40‐and flux‐based risk maps
G Mills, F Hayes, D Simpson, L Emberson, D Norris, H Harmens, P Büker
Global Change Biology 17 (1), 592-613, 2011
A comparison of North American and Asian exposure–response data for ozone effects on crop yields
LD Emberson, P Büker, MR Ashmore, G Mills, LS Jackson, M Agrawal, ...
Atmospheric Environment 43 (12), 1945-1953, 2009
Tropospheric ozone assessment report: Global ozone metrics for climate change, human health, and crop/ecosystem research
AS Lefohn, CS Malley, L Smith, B Wells, M Hazucha, H Simon, V Naik, ...
Elem Sci Anth 6, 27, 2018
How is ozone pollution reducing our food supply?
S Wilkinson, G Mills, R Illidge, WJ Davies
Journal of Experimental Botany 63 (2), 527-536, 2012
New stomatal flux-based critical levels for ozone effects on vegetation
G Mills, H Pleijel, S Braun, P Büker, V Bermejo, E Calvo, H Danielsson, ...
Atmospheric Environment 45 (28), 5064-5068, 2011
Ozone effects on crops and consideration in crop models
LD Emberson, H Pleijel, EA Ainsworth, M Van den Berg, W Ren, ...
European journal of agronomy 100, 19-34, 2018
Ozone risk assessment for agricultural crops in Europe: Further development of stomatal flux and flux–response relationships for European wheat and potato
H Pleijel, H Danielsson, L Emberson, MR Ashmore, G Mills
Atmospheric Environment 41 (14), 3022-3040, 2007
Ozone pollution will compromise efforts to increase global wheat production
G Mills, K Sharps, D Simpson, H Pleijel, M Broberg, J Uddling, F Jaramillo, ...
Global change biology 24 (8), 3560-3574, 2018
Heavy metal and nitrogen concentrations in mosses are declining across Europe whilst some “hotspots” remain in 2010
H Harmens, DA Norris, K Sharps, G Mills, R Alber, Y Aleksiayenak, ...
Environmental Pollution 200, 93-104, 2015
Closing the global ozone yield gap: Quantification and cobenefits for multistress tolerance
G Mills, K Sharps, D Simpson, H Pleijel, M Frei, K Burkey, L Emberson, ...
Global Change Biology 24 (10), 4869-4893, 2018
Terrestrial mosses as biomonitors of atmospheric POPs pollution: a review
H Harmens, L Foan, V Simon, G Mills
Environmental Pollution 173, 245-254, 2013
Evidence of ozone-induced adverse effects on crops in the Mediterranean region
I Fumagalli, BS Gimeno, D Velissariou, L De Temmerman, G Mills
Atmospheric Environment 35 (14), 2583-2587, 2001
Heavy metals in European mosses: 2000/2001 survey
A Buse, D Norris, H Harmens, P Büker, T Ashenden, G Mills
UNECE ICP Vegetation Coordination Centre, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology …, 2003
Nitrogen concentrations in mosses indicate the spatial distribution of atmospheric nitrogen deposition in Europe
H Harmens, DA Norris, DM Cooper, G Mills, E Steinnes, E Kubin, L Thöni, ...
Environmental pollution 159 (10), 2852-2860, 2011
Chronic exposure to increasing background ozone impairs stomatal functioning in grassland species
G Mills, F Hayes, S Wilkinson, WJ Davies
Global Change Biology 15 (6), 1522-1533, 2009
Ozone—the persistent menace: interactions with the N cycle and climate change
D Simpson, A Arneth, G Mills, S Solberg, J Uddling
Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 9, 9-19, 2014
Meta-analysis of the relative sensitivity of semi-natural vegetation species to ozone
F Hayes, MLM Jones, G Mills, M Ashmore
Environmental Pollution 146 (3), 754-762, 2007
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