Kiru Pasupathy
Kiru Pasupathy
Material Engineer, Smec Australia
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Progress, current thinking and challenges in geopolymer foam concrete technology
K Dhasindrakrishna, K Pasupathy, S Ramakrishnan, J Sanjayan
Cement and Concrete Composites 116, 103886, 2021
Durability of low‑calcium fly ash based geopolymer concrete culvert in a saline environment
K Pasupathy, M Berndt, J Sanjayan, P Rajeev, DS Cheema
Cement and Concrete Research 100, 297-310, 2017
Carbonation of a blended slag-fly ash geopolymer concrete in field conditions after 8 years
K Pasupathy, M Berndt, A Castel, J Sanjayan, R Pathmanathan
Construction and Building Materials 125, 661-669, 2016
Effect of yield stress development on the foam-stability of aerated geopolymer concrete
K Dhasindrakrishna, K Pasupathy, S Ramakrishnan, J Sanjayan
Cement and concrete research 138, 106233, 2020
3D concrete printing of eco-friendly geopolymer containing brick waste
K Pasupathy, S Ramakrishnan, J Sanjayan
Cement and Concrete Composites 138, 104943, 2023
Formulating eco-friendly geopolymer foam concrete by alkali-activation of ground brick waste
K Pasupathy, S Ramakrishnan, J Sanjayan
Journal of Cleaner Production 325, 129180, 2021
Enhancing the mechanical and thermal properties of aerated geopolymer concrete using porous lightweight aggregates
K Pasupathy, S Ramakrishnan, J Sanjayan
Construction and Building Materials 264, 120713, 2020
Durability performance of precast fly ash–based geopolymer concrete under atmospheric exposure conditions
K Pasupathy, M Berndt, J Sanjayan, P Rajeev, DS Cheema
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 30 (3), 04018007, 2018
Durability performance of fly ash-based geopolymer concrete buried in saline environment for 10 years
K Pasupathy, DS Cheema, J Sanjayan
Construction and Building Materials 281, 122596, 2021
The effect of chloride ingress in reinforced geopolymer concrete exposed in the marine environment
K Pasupathy, J Sanjayan, P Rajeev, DW Law
Journal of Building Engineering 39, 102281, 2021
Evaluation of alkalinity changes and carbonation of geopolymer concrete exposed to wetting and drying
K Pasupathy, J Sanjayan, P Rajeev
Journal of Building Engineering 35, 102029, 2021
Influence of recycled concrete aggregate on the foam stability of aerated geopolymer concrete
K Pasupathy, S Ramakrishnan, J Sanjayan
Construction and Building Materials 271, 121850, 2021
Enhancing the properties of foam concrete 3D printing using porous aggregates
K Pasupathy, S Ramakrishnan, J Sanjayan
Cement and Concrete Composites 133, 104687, 2022
Collapse of fresh foam concrete: Mechanisms and influencing parameters
K Dhasindrakrishna, S Ramakrishnan, K Pasupathy, J Sanjayan
Cement and Concrete Composites 122, 104151, 2021
Concrete 3D printing of lightweight elements using hollow-core extrusion of filaments
S Ramakrishnan, S Muthukrishnan, J Sanjayan, K Pasupathy
Cement and Concrete Composites 123, 104220, 2021
Effect of hydrophobic surface-modified fine aggregates on efflorescence control in geopolymer
K Pasupathy, S Ramakrishnan, J Sanjayan
Cement and Concrete Composites 126, 104337, 2022
Synthesis and properties of thermally enhanced aerated geopolymer concrete using form-stable phase change composite
S Ramakrishnan, K Pasupathy, J Sanjayan
Journal of Building Engineering 40, 102756, 2021
Enhancing the chemical foaming process using superplasticizer in aerated geopolymer concrete
K Pasupathy, S Ramakrishnan, J Sanjayan
Construction and Building Materials 324, 126535, 2022
Durability performance of concrete structures built with low carbon construction materials
K Pasupathy, M Berndt, J Sanjayan, R Pathmanathan
Energy Procedia 88, 794-799, 2016
Rheology and elevated temperature performance of geopolymer foam concrete with varying PVA fibre dosage
K Dhasindrakrishna, K Pasupathy, S Ramakrishnan, J Sanjayan
Materials Letters 328, 133122, 2022
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