Elic M. Weitzel
Elic M. Weitzel
Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Population reconstructions for humans and megafauna suggest mixed causes for North American Pleistocene extinctions
JM Broughton, EM Weitzel
Nature Communications 9 (1), 5441, 2018
Indigenous oyster fisheries persisted for millennia and should inform future management
L Reeder-Myers, TJ Braje, CA Hofman, EA Elliott Smith, CJ Garland, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 2383, 2022
Population growth as a driver of initial domestication in Eastern North America
EM Weitzel, BF Codding
Royal Society open science 3 (8), 160319, 2016
The ideal distribution model and archaeological settlement patterning
EM Weitzel, BF Codding
Environmental Archaeology 27 (4), 349-356, 2022
Pre–Younger Dryas megafaunal extirpation at Rancho La Brea linked to fire-driven state shift
FR O’keefe, RE Dunn, EM Weitzel, MR Waters, LN Martinez, WJ Binder, ...
Science 381 (6659), eabo3594, 2023
Declining foraging efficiency in the Middle Tennessee River Valley prior to initial domestication
E Weitzel
American Antiquity 84 (2), 191-214, 2019
Food production and domestication produced both cooperative and competitive social dynamics in Eastern North America
EM Weitzel, BF Codding, SB Carmody, DW Zeanah
Environmental Archaeology 27 (4), 388-401, 2022
Investigating overhunting of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in the late Holocene Middle Tennessee River Valley
EM Weitzel
Southeastern Archaeology 40 (1), 1-19, 2021
Environmental rebound and the disruption of Indigenous land management following European colonization of southern New England
EM Weitzel
Questioning Rebound: People and Environmental Change in the Protohistoric …, 2023
Settlement organization and distribution in bronze age Sardinia: utilizing cumulative viewshed analysis and spatial statistics in the Sulcis plain
M Rothenberg, TP Leppard, E Weitzel, EA Murphy
Journal of Field Archaeology 49 (5), 356-370, 2024
Resilience of white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) to human hunting in precolonial New England: The faunal remains from the Morgan Site (6HT120), Rocky Hill, Connecticut
EM Weitzel
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 48, 103913, 2023
Cost structures and socioecological conditions impact the fitness outcomes of human alloparental care in agent-based model simulations
EM Weitzel, KM Wilson, L Spake, SB Schaffnit, R Lynch, R Sear, ...
Evolution and Human Behavior 45 (5), 106613, 2024
Geographic predictors of early 20th century northern Albanian tribal demography
EM Weitzel, E Baci, D Plekhov
Kosova Anthropologica 1 (1), 1-21, 2023
Faunal resource use in Late Woodland Connecticut: A view from the Morgan Site (6HT120), Rocky Hill, Connecticut
EM Weitzel
Bulletin of the Archaeological Society of Connecticut 84, 9-38, 2022
More than just nuts: Prehistoric foodways from the Dust Cave site
SB Carmody, KD Hollenbach, EM Weitzel
Baking, Bourbon, and Black Drink: Foodways Archaeology in the American …, 2018
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