Norha Vera San Juan
Norha Vera San Juan
Research Fellow, University College London; King's College London
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Carrying out rapid qualitative research during a pandemic: emerging lessons from COVID-19
C Vindrola-Padros, G Chisnall, S Cooper, A Dowrick, N Djellouli, ...
Qualitative health research 30 (14), 2192-2204, 2020
The Lancet Commission on ending stigma and discrimination in mental health
G Thornicroft, C Sunkel, AA Aliev, S Baker, E Brohan, R El Chammay, ...
The Lancet 400 (10361), 1438-1480, 2022
Impact on mental health care and on mental health service users of the COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed methods survey of UK mental health care staff
S Johnson, C Dalton-Locke, N Vera San Juan, U Foye, S Oram, ...
Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology, 1-13, 2020
Early impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health care and on people with mental health conditions: framework synthesis of international experiences and responses
L Sheridan Rains, S Johnson, P Barnett, T Steare, JJ Needle, S Carr, ...
Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology 56, 13-24, 2021
Implementation, adoption, and perceptions of telemental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: systematic review
R Appleton, J Williams, N Vera San Juan, JJ Needle, M Schlief, H Jordan, ...
Journal of medical Internet research 23 (12), e31746, 2021
Mental health and well-being of healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK: contrasting guidelines with experiences in practice.
N Vera San Juan, D Aceituno, N Djellouli, K Sumray, N Regenold, ...
Bjpsych Open 7 (1), e15-e15, 2020
Cost-effectiveness of early intervention in psychosis: systematic review
D Aceituno, N Vera San Juan, AM Prina, P McCrone
The British Journal of Psychiatry 215 (1), 388-394, 2019
Training and redeployment of healthcare workers to intensive care units (ICUs) during the COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review
NV San Juan, SE Clark, M Camilleri, JP Jeans, A Monkhouse, G Chisnall, ...
BMJ open 12 (1), e050038, 2022
How has Covid-19 affected mental health nurses and the delivery of mental health nursing care in the UK? Results of a mixed methods study
U Foye, C Dalton-Locke, J Harju-Seppanen, R Lane, L Beams, ...
medRxiv, 2020
Service user experiences and views regarding telemental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: A co-produced framework analysis
N Vera San Juan, P Shah, M Schlief, R Appleton, P Nyikavaranda, ...
PloS one 16 (9), e0257270, 2021
COVID-19 Mental Health Policy Research Unit Group. Impact on mental health care and on mental health service users of the COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed methods survey of UK mental …
S Johnson, C Dalton-Locke, N Vera San Juan, U Foye, S Oram, ...
Soc Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol 56 (1), 25-37, 2021
Recovery from severe mental health problems: A systematic review of service user and informal caregiver perspectives
N Vera San Juan, PC Gronholm, M Heslin, V Lawrence, M Bain, A Okuma, ...
Frontiers in psychiatry 12, 712026, 2021
Re‐ordering connections: UK healthcare workers' experiences of emotion management during the COVID‐19 pandemic
A Dowrick, L Mitchinson, K Hoernke, S Mulcahy Symmons, S Cooper, ...
Sociology of Health & Illness 43 (9), 2156-2177, 2021
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Older Adults Mental Health Services: a mixed methods study
R Bhome, J Huntley, C Dalton-Locke, N Vera San Juan, S Oram, U Foye, ...
medRxiv, 2020
Synthesis of the evidence on what works for whom in telemental health: rapid realist review
M Schlief, KRK Saunders, R Appleton, P Barnett, NV San Juan, U Foye, ...
Interactive Journal of Medical Research 11 (2), e38239, 2022
Implementation of early psychosis services in Latin America: A scoping review
D Aceituno, C Mena, N Vera San Juan, A Gonzalez‐Valderrama, ...
Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 2020
A scoping review of trauma informed approaches in acute, crisis, emergency, and residential mental health care
KRK Saunders, E McGuinness, P Barnett, U Foye, J Sears, S Carlisle, ...
BMC psychiatry 23 (1), 567, 2023
Effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental healthcare and services: results of a UK survey of front-line staff working with people with intellectual disability and/or autism
R Sheehan, C Dalton-Locke, A Ali, NV San Juan, V Totsika, A Hassiotis
BJPsych Bulletin 46 (4), 201-207, 2022
Redeployment and training of healthcare professionals to Intensive Care during COVID-19: a systematic review
N Vera San Juan, M Camilleri, JP Jeans, A Monkhouse, G Chisnall, ...
medRxiv, 2021
Implementation strategies for telemental health: a systematic review
R Appleton, P Barnett, N Vera San Juan, E Tuudah, N Lyons, J Parker, ...
BMC health services research 23 (1), 78, 2023
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