Benjamin Williams
Benjamin Williams
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Benefits and risks of diversification for individual fishers
SC Anderson, EJ Ward, AO Shelton, MD Adkison, AH Beaudreau, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114 (40), 10797-10802, 2017
Thirty years of change and the future of Alaskan fisheries: Shifts in fishing participation and diversification in response to environmental, regulatory and economic pressures
AH Beaudreau, EJ Ward, RE Brenner, AO Shelton, JT Watson, ...
Fish and Fisheries 20 (4), 601-619, 2019
Euphausiids in the eastern Bering Sea: A synthesis of recent studies of euphausiid production, consumption and population control
GL Hunt Jr, PH Ressler, GA Gibson, A De Robertis, K Aydin, MF Sigler, ...
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 134, 204-222, 2016
Assessment of the sablefish stock in Alaska
DR Goethel, DH Hanselman, CJ Rodgveller, KB Echave, BC Williams, ...
Stock assessment and fishery evaluation report for the groundfish resources …, 2021
Long-term trends in ichthyoplankton assemblage structure, biodiversity, and synchrony in the Gulf of Alaska and their relationships to climate
KN Marshall, JT Duffy-Anderson, EJ Ward, SC Anderson, ME Hunsicker, ...
Progress in Oceanography 170, 134-145, 2019
Effects of increased specialization on revenue of Alaskan salmon fishers over four decades
EJ Ward, SC Anderson, AO Shelton, RE Brenner, MD Adkison, ...
Journal of Applied Ecology 55 (3), 1082-1091, 2018
Interannual and Spatial Variability in Maturity of Walleye Pollock Gadus chalcogrammus and Implications for Spawning Stock Biomass Estimates in the Gulf of Alaska
BC Williams, GH Kruse, MW Dorn
PLoS One 11 (10), e0164797, 2016
When to conduct, and when not to conduct, management strategy evaluations
JF Walter III, CD Peterson, K Marshall, JJ Deroba, S Gaichas, BC Williams, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 80 (4), 719-727, 2023
Spatio-temporal models reveal subtle changes to demersal communities following the Exxon Valdez oil spill
AO Shelton, ME Hunsicker, EJ Ward, BE Feist, R Blake, CL Ward, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 75 (1), 287-297, 2018
Report on the 2018 International Sablefish Workshop
KH Fenske, AM Berger, B Connors, JM Cope, SP Cox, MA Haltuch, ...
Inclusion of ageing error and growth variability using a bootstrap estimation of age composition and conditional age-at-length input sample size for fisheries stock assessment …
PJF Hulson, BC Williams
Fisheries Research 270, 106894, 2024
An ecological comparison of juvenile chum salmon from two watersheds in Norton Sound, Alaska: migration, diet estuarine habitat, and fish community assemblage
M Nemeth, B Williams, B Haley, S Kinneen
Final Report for, 2003
An agent‐based model to optimize transboundary management for the walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus) fishery in the Gulf of Alaska
BC Williams, KR Criddle, GH Kruse
Natural Resource Modeling 34 (2), e12305, 2021
10. Assessment of the Northern Rockfish stock in the Gulf of Alaska
BC Williams, PJF Hulson, CR Lunsford
Bridging expert knowledge and fishery data to examine changes in nearshore rockfish fisheries in the Gulf of Alaska over fifty years
JY Gordon, AH Beaudreau, BC Williams, SC Meyer
Fisheries Research 252, 106333, 2022
Abundance of Juvenile Coho Salmon in the Nome River, Alaska
BC Williams, MJ Nemeth, RC Bocking
LGL Alaska Research Associates, 2006
Bottom trawl survey age and length composition input sample sizes for stocks assessed with statistical catch-at-age assessment models at the Alaska Fisheries Science Center
PJ Hulson, BC Williams, MR Siskey, MD Bryan, J Conner
12. Assessment of the Dusky Rockfish stock in the Gulf of Alaska
BC Williams, PJF Hulson, CR Lunsford, KH Fenske
13. Assessment of the Rougheye and Blackspotted Rockfish stock complex in the Gulf of Alaska
JY Sullivan, SK Shotwell, DH Hanselman, PJF Hulson, BC Williams, ...
Patterns of wolf dispersal respond to harvest density across an island complex
GH Roffler, KL Pilgrim, BC Williams
Animals 14 (4), 622, 2024
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