Neale R. Smith
Neale R. Smith
Tecnologico de Monterrey
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Digital supply chain model in Industry 4.0
CL Garay-Rondero, JL Martinez-Flores, NR Smith, SO Caballero Morales, ...
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 31 (5), 887-933, 2020
A collaborative supply chain management system for a maritime port logistics chain
LM Ascencio, RG González-Ramírez, LA Bearzotti, NR Smith, ...
Journal of applied research and technology 12 (3), 444-458, 2014
Bi-level programming for home health care supply chain considering outsourcing
AM Fathollahi-Fard, M Hajiaghaei-Keshteli, R Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, ...
Journal of Industrial Information Integration 25, 100246, 2022
A model for supply chain design considering the cost of quality
KK Castillo-Villar, NR Smith, JL Simonton
Applied Mathematical Modelling 36 (12), 5920-5935, 2012
Supply chain dynamics: analysis of inventory vs. order oscillations trade-off
FA Villegas, NR Smith
International Journal of Production Research 44 (6), 1037-1054, 2006
Utilizing IoT to design a relief supply chain network for the SARS-COV-2 pandemic
A Zahedi, A Salehi-Amiri, NR Smith, M Hajiaghaei-Keshteli
Applied Soft Computing 104, 107210, 2021
Impact on yard efficiency of a truck appointment system for a port terminal
A Ramírez-Nafarrate, RG González-Ramírez, NR Smith, ...
Annals of Operations Research 258, 195-216, 2017
Optimal order size to take advantage of a one-time discount offer with allowed backorders
LE Cárdenas-Barrón, NR Smith, SK Goyal
Applied Mathematical Modelling 34 (6), 1642-1652, 2010
Data-driven prediction and optimization toward net-zero and positive-energy buildings: A systematic review
SN Mousavi, MG Villarreal-Marroquín, M Hajiaghaei-Keshteli, NR Smith
Building and Environment 242, 110578, 2023
Optimal pricing and production master planning in a multiperiod horizon considering capacity and inventory constraints
NR Smith, J Limón Robles, LE Cardenas-Barron
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2009 (1), 932676, 2009
Analysis of the benefits of joint price and order quantity optimisation using a deterministic profit maximisation model
NR Smith, JL Martinez-Flores, LE Cardenas-Barron
Production Planning & Control 18 (4), 310-318, 2007
The impact of the cost of quality on serial supply‐chain network design
KK Castillo-Villar, NR Smith, JL Simonton
International Journal of Production Research 50 (19), 5544-5566, 2012
A heuristic approach for a multi-product capacitated lot-sizing problem with pricing
RG González-Ramírez, NR Smith, RG Askin
International Journal of Production Research 49 (4), 1173-1196, 2011
A hybrid metaheuristic approach to optimize the districting design of a parcel company
RG González-Ramírez, NR Smith, RG Askin, PA Miranda, JM Sánchez
Journal of applied research and technology 9 (1), 19-35, 2011
A profit-maximizing economic lot scheduling problem with price optimization
L Salvietti, NR Smith
European Journal of Operational Research 184 (3), 900-914, 2008
A systematic literature review of food banks’ supply chain operations with a focus on optimization models
AF Rivera, NR Smith, A Ruiz
Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management 13 (1), 10-25, 2023
Design and optimization of capacitated supply chain networks including quality measures
KK Castillo-Villar, NR Smith, JF Herbert-Acero
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2014 (1), 218913, 2014
A heuristic procedure for a ship routing and scheduling problem with variable speed and discretized time windows
KK Castillo-Villar, RG González-Ramírez, P Miranda González, NR Smith
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2014 (1), 750232, 2014
A heuristic procedure for the outbound container relocation problem during export loading operations
R Guerra-Olivares, RG González-Ramírez, NR Smith
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2015 (1), 201749, 2015
Intuitionistic fuzzy MAUT-BW Delphi method for medication service robot selection during COVID-19
D Kang, SA Devi, A Felix, S Narayanamoorthy, S Kalaiselvan, D Balaenu, ...
Operations Research Perspectives 9, 100258, 2022
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