Ziyang Cheng
Ziyang Cheng
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Constant modulus waveform design for MIMO radar transmit beampattern
Z Cheng, Z He, S Zhang, J Li
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 65 (18), 4912-4923, 2017
MIMO radar waveform design with PAPR and similarity constraints
Z Cheng, Z He, B Liao, M Fang
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 66 (4), 968-981, 2017
Communication-aware waveform design for MIMO radar with good transmit beampattern
Z Cheng, C Han, B Liao, Z He, J Li
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 66 (21), 5549-5562, 2018
Spectrally compatible waveform design for MIMO radar in the presence of multiple targets
Z Cheng, B Liao, Z He, Y Li, J Li
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 66 (13), 3543-3555, 2018
Co-design for overlaid MIMO radar and downlink MISO communication systems via Cramér–Rao bound minimization
Z Cheng, B Liao, S Shi, Z He, J Li
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 67 (24), 6227-6240, 2019
Hybrid beamforming design for OFDM dual-function radar-communication system
Z Cheng, Z He, B Liao
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing 15 (6), 1455-1467, 2021
: An Accurate Array Response Control Algorithm for Pattern Synthesis
X Zhang, Z He, B Liao, X Zhang, Z Cheng, Y Lu
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 65 (7), 1810-1824, 2017
Transmit sequence design for dual-function radar-communication system with one-bit DACs
Z Cheng, S Shi, Z He, B Liao
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 20 (9), 5846-5860, 2021
Joint design of the transmit and receive beamforming in MIMO radar systems
Z Cheng, B Liao, Z He, J Li, J Xie
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 68 (8), 7919-7930, 2019
Hybrid beamforming for multi-carrier dual-function radar-communication system
Z Cheng, Z He, B Liao
IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking 7 (3), 1002-1015, 2021
QoS-aware hybrid beamforming and DOA estimation in multi-carrier dual-function radar-communication systems
Z Cheng, B Liao
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 40 (6), 1890-1905, 2022
Constrained waveform design for dual-functional MIMO radar-communication system
S Shi, Z Wang, Z He, Z Cheng
Signal Processing 171, 107530, 2020
Transmit signal design for large-scale MIMO system with 1-bit DACs
Z Cheng, B Liao, Z He, J Li
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 18 (9), 4466-4478, 2019
Persymmetric adaptive target detection with dual-polarization in compound Gaussian sea clutter with inverse gamma texture
Z Wang, Z He, Q He, B Xiong, Z Cheng
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 60, 1-17, 2022
Long-time coherent integration for maneuvering target detection based on ITRT-MRFT
L Lin, G Sun, Z Cheng, Z He
IEEE Sensors Journal 20 (7), 3718-3731, 2019
One-bit ADCs/DACs based MIMO radar: Performance analysis and joint design
M Deng, Z Cheng, L Wu, B Shankar, Z He
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 70, 2609-2624, 2022
Double-phase-shifter based hybrid beamforming for mmWave DFRC in the presence of extended target and clutters
Z Cheng, L Wu, B Wang, MRB Shankar, B Ottersten
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 22 (6), 3671-3686, 2022
Target detection performance of collocated MIMO radar with one-bit ADCs
Z Cheng, Z He, B Liao
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 26 (12), 1832-1836, 2019
Spectrally compatible waveform design for MIMO radar with ISL and PAPR constraints
S Shi, Z Wang, Z He, Z Cheng
IEEE Sensors Journal 20 (5), 2368-2377, 2019
A nonlinear-ADMM method for designing MIMO radar constant modulus waveform with low correlation sidelobes
Z Cheng, B Liao, Z He, J Li, C Han
Signal Processing 159, 93-103, 2019
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