Pavel Levashov
Pavel Levashov
Joint Institute for High Temperatures RAS
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Material decomposition mechanisms in femtosecond laser interactions with metals
ME Povarnitsyn, TE Itina, M Sentis, KV Khishchenko, PR Levashov
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 75 (23), 235414, 2007
Wide-range multi-phase equations of state for metals
VE Fortov, KV Khishchenko, PR Levashov, IV Lomonosov
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 1998
Modeling of plasticity and fracture of metals at shock loading
AE Mayer, KV Khishchenko, PR Levashov, PN Mayer
Journal of Applied Physics 113 (19), 2013
Suppression of ablation in femtosecond double-pulse experiments
ME Povarnitsyn, TE Itina, KV Khishchenko, PR Levashov
Physical review letters 103 (19), 195002, 2009
Mechanisms of nanoparticle formation by ultra-short laser ablation of metals in liquid environment
ME Povarnitsyn, TE Itina, PR Levashov, KV Khishchenko
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 15 (9), 3108-3114, 2013
Crystallization in two-component Coulomb systems
M Bonitz, VS Filinov, VE Fortov, PR Levashov, H Fehske
Physical review letters 95 (23), 235006, 2005
A wide-range model for simulation of pump-probe experiments with metals
ME Povarnitsyn, NE Andreev, EM Apfelbaum, TE Itina, KV Khishchenko, ...
Applied Surface Science 258 (23), 9480-9483, 2012
Determination of the transport and optical properties of a nonideal solid-density plasma produced by femtosecond laser pulses
MB Agranat, NE Andreev, SI Ashitkov, ME Veĭsman, PR Levashov, ...
JETP Letters 85, 271-276, 2007
Study of metal conductivity near the critical point using a microwire electrical explosion in water
VI Oreshkin, RB Baksht, AY Labetsky, AG Rousskikh, AV Shishlov, ...
Technical Physics 49, 843-848, 2004
Metastable states of liquid metal under conditions of electric explosion
SI Tkachenko, KV Khishchenko, VS Vorob'ev, PR Levashov, ...
High Temperature 39, 674-687, 2001
Molecular dynamics simulation of subpicosecond double-pulse laser ablation of metals
ME Povarnitsyn, VB Fokin, PR Levashov, TE Itina
Physical Review B 92 (17), 174104, 2015
Quantum molecular dynamics simulation of shock-wave experiments in aluminum
DV Minakov, PR Levashov, KV Khishchenko, VE Fortov
Journal of Applied Physics 115 (22), 2014
Database on Shock‐Wave Experiments and Equations of State Available via Internet
PR Levashov, KV Khishchenko, IV Lomonosov, VE Fortov
AIP Conference Proceedings 706 (1), 87-90, 2004
Monte Carlo results for the hydrogen Hugoniot
V Bezkrovniy, VS Filinov, D Kremp, M Bonitz, M Schlanges, WD Kraeft, ...
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 70 (5 …, 2004
Wire explosion in vacuum: Simulation of a striation appearance
VI Oreshkin, RB Baksht, NA Ratakhin, AV Shishlov, KV Khishchenko, ...
Physics of plasmas 11 (10), 4771-4776, 2004
Metastable states of liquid tungsten under subsecond wire explosion
KV Khishchenko, SI Tkachenko, PR Levashov, IV Lomonosov, ...
International journal of thermophysics 23, 1359-1367, 2002
Phase transition in strongly degenerate hydrogen plasma
VS Filinov, VE Fortov, M Bonitz, PR Levashov
Journal of Experimental and Theoretical Physics Letters 74, 384-387, 2001
Phase transitions in femtosecond laser ablation
ME Povarnitsyn, KV Khishchenko, PR Levashov
Applied Surface Science 255 (10), 5120-5124, 2009
Melting curves of metals with excited electrons in the quasiharmonic approximation
DV Minakov, PR Levashov
Physical Review B 92 (22), 224102, 2015
Dynamics of thin metal foils irradiated by moderate-contrast high-intensity laser beams
ME Povarnitsyn, NE Andreev, PR Levashov, KV Khishchenko, ...
Physics of Plasmas 19 (2), 2012
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