Alexandra Fort
Alexandra Fort
Chargé de recherche, Université Gustave Eiffel
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Bimodal speech: early suppressive visual effects in human auditory cortex
J Besle, A Fort, C Delpuech, MH Giard
European journal of Neuroscience 20 (8), 2225-2234, 2004
Dynamics of cortico-subcortical cross-modal operations involved in audio-visual object detection in humans
A Fort, C Delpuech, J Pernier, MH Giard
Cerebral Cortex 12 (10), 1031-1039, 2002
Early auditory–visual interactions in human cortex during nonredundant target identification
A Fort, C Delpuech, J Pernier, MH Giard
Cognitive Brain Research 14 (1), 20-30, 2002
Mind wandering and driving: responsibility case-control study
C Galéra, L Orriols, K M’Bailara, M Laborey, B Contrand, ...
Bmj 345, 2012
Neurophysiological mechanisms of auditory selective attention in humans
MH Giard, A Fort, Y Mouchetant-Rostaing, J Pernier
Frontiers in bioscience 5 (1), 84-94, 2000
Automotive HMI design and participatory user involvement: review and perspectives
M François, F Osiurak, A Fort, P Crave, J Navarro
Ergonomics 60 (4), 541-552, 2017
Olfactory learning induces differential long-lasting changes in rat central olfactory pathways
AM Mouly, A Fort, N Ben-Boutayab, R Gervais
Neuroscience 102 (1), 11-21, 2001
Inattention behind the wheel: How factual internal thoughts impact attentional control while driving
C Lemercier, C Pêcher, G Berthié, B Valéry, V Vidal, PV Paubel, M Cour, ...
Safety science 62, 279-285, 2014
Interest and validity of the additive model in electrophysiological studies of multisensory interactions
J Besle, A Fort, MH Giard
Cognitive Processing 5 (3), 189-192, 2004
The restless mind while driving: drivers’ thoughts behind the wheel
G Berthié, C Lemercier, PV Paubel, M Cour, A Fort, C Galéra, E Lagarde, ...
Accident Analysis & Prevention 76, 159-165, 2015
Is the auditory sensory memory sensitive to visual information?
J Besle, A Fort, MH Giard
Experimental Brain Research 166, 337-344, 2005
Distraction and driving: Results from a case–control responsibility study of traffic crash injured drivers interviewed at the emergency room
S Bakiri, C Galéra, E Lagarde, M Laborey, B Contrand, ...
Accident Analysis & Prevention 59, 588-592, 2013
Influence of lane departure warnings onset and reliability on car drivers' behaviors
J Navarro, J Deniel, E Yousfi, C Jallais, M Bueno, A Fort
Applied ergonomics 59, 123-131, 2017
Attentional demand and processing of relevant visual information during simulated driving: A MEG study
A Fort, R Martin, A Jacquet-Andrieu, C Combe-Pangaud, G Foliot, ...
Brain research 1363, 117-127, 2010
Dynamic search tree growth algorithm for global optimization
I Strumberger, E Tuba, M Zivkovic, N Bacanin, M Beko, M Tuba
Technological Innovation for Industry and Service Systems: 10th IFIP WG 5.5 …, 2019
Task-dependent activation latency in human visual extrastriate cortex
A Fort, J Besle, MH Giard, J Pernier
Neuroscience letters 379 (2), 144-148, 2005
Respiration and heart rate modulation due to competing cognitive tasks while driving
AR Hidalgo-Muñoz, AJ Béquet, M Astier-Juvenon, G Pépin, A Fort, ...
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12, 525, 2019
Cognitive load measurement while driving. in: Human factors: a view from an integrative perspective
C Gabaude, B Baracat, C Jallais, M Bonniaud, A Fort
Cognitive load measurement while driving. In: Human Factors: a view from an …, 2012
Multiple electrophysiological mechanisms of audiovisual integration in human perception.
A Fort, MH Giard
Boston Review, 2004
Behavioural adaptation and effectiveness of a Forward Collision Warning System depending on a secondary cognitive task
M Bueno, C Fabrigoule, D Ndiaye, A Fort
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 24, 158-168, 2014
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