Prem Prakash Seth
Prem Prakash Seth
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Microstructure, wear and corrosion characteristics of Cu matrix reinforced SiC–graphite hybrid composites
A Jamwal, P Prakash, D Kumar, N Singh, KK Sadasivuni, K Harshit, ...
Journal of Composite Materials 53 (18), 2545-2553, 2019
Microstructural, tribological and compression behaviour of Copper matrix reinforced with Graphite-SiC hybrid composites
A Jamwal, PP Seth, D Kumar, R Agrawal, KK Sadasivuni, P Gupta
Materials Chemistry and Physics 251, 123090, 2020
Fabrication, microstructural and mechanical behavior of Al-Al2O3-SiC hybrid metal matrix composites
S Hossain, MDM Rahman, D Chawla, A Kumar, PP Seth, P Gupta, ...
Materials Today: Proceedings 21, 1458-1461, 2020
Structure and mechanical behavior of in situ developed Mg 2 Si phase in magnesium and aluminum alloys–a review
PP Seth, O Parkash, D Kumar
RSC advances 10 (61), 37327-37345, 2020
Effect of CNT and TiC hybrid reinforcement on the micro-mechano-tribo behaviour of aluminium matrix composites
SMTI Nayim, MZ Hasan, PP Seth, P Gupta, S Thakur, D Kumar, A Jamwal
Materials Today: Proceedings 21, 1421-1424, 2020
Formation of fine Mg2Si phase in Mg–Si alloy via solid-state sintering using high energy ball milling
PP Seth, N Singh, M Singh, O Prakash, D Kumar
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 821, 153205, 2020
Evolution of dislocation density during tensile deformation of BH220 steel at different pre-strain conditions
PP Seth, A Das, HN Bar, S Sivaprasad, A Basu, K Dutta
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 24, 2779-2783, 2015
Studies on the effect of processing parameters on microstructure and properties of magnesium compacts prepared via powder metallurgy
PP Seth, O Parkash, D Kumar
Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 73, 2715-2726, 2020
Study of Bake-hardening behaviour of ultra-low carbon BH 220 steel at different strain rates
P Seath
Master’s Thesis, 2014
Mechanical and electrochemical behavior of Mg-Al-Si alloys fabricated with formation of fine Mg2Si phase
PP Seth, O Parkash, D Kumar
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …, 2021
Cytological and virological studies in the chronic lesions of the cervix.
PK Gupta, N Dewan, P Seth, R Kumar, S Hamilton, V Hingorani
J Indian Med Assoc, 1979
Studies on the Structural, Mechanical and Tribological properties of mg-si and mg-si-al alloys and composites fabricated via powder metallurgy
PP Seth
IIT (BHU) Varanasi, 2021
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