Diana Rose
Diana Rose
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Global pattern of experienced and anticipated discrimination against people with schizophrenia: a cross-sectional survey
G Thornicroft, E Brohan, D Rose, N Sartorius, M Leese
The Lancet 373 (9661), 408-415, 2009
Evidence for effective interventions to reduce mental-health-related stigma and discrimination
G Thornicroft, N Mehta, S Clement, S Evans-Lacko, M Doherty, D Rose, ...
The Lancet 387 (10023), 1123-1132, 2016
Stigma: ignorance, prejudice or discrimination?
G Thornicroft, D Rose, A Kassam, N Sartorius
The British Journal of Psychiatry 190 (3), 192-193, 2007
Theory and method of social representations
W Wagner, G Duveen, R Farr, S Jovchelovitch, F Lorenzi‐Cioldi, ...
Asian journal of social psychology 2 (1), 95-125, 1999
Discrimination in health care against people with mental illness
G Thornicroft, D Rose, A Kassam
International review of psychiatry 19 (2), 113-122, 2007
Patients' perspectives on electroconvulsive therapy: systematic review
D Rose, P Fleischmann, T Wykes, M Leese, J Bindman
Bmj 326 (7403), 1363, 2003
The importance of relationships in mental health care: A qualitative study of service users' experiences of psychiatric hospital admission in the UK
H Gilburt, D Rose, M Slade
BMC health services research 8 (1), 1-12, 2008
Development and psychometric properties of the mental health knowledge schedule
S Evans-Lacko, K Little, H Meltzer, D Rose, D Rhydderch, C Henderson, ...
The Canadian Journal of Psychiatry 55 (7), 440-448, 2010
The importance of content and face validity in instrument development: lessons learnt from service users when developing the Recovering Quality of Life measure (ReQoL)
J Connell, J Carlton, A Grundy, E Taylor Buck, AD Keetharuth, T Ricketts, ...
Quality of life research 27, 1893-1902, 2018
Análise de imagens em movimento
D Rose
Pesquisa qualitativa com texto, imagem e som: manual prático. Petrópolis …, 2002
Evidence for effective interventions to reduce mental health-related stigma and discrimination in the medium and long term: systematic review
N Mehta, S Clement, E Marcus, AC Stona, N Bezborodovs, ...
The British Journal of Psychiatry 207 (5), 377-384, 2015
The WPA-lancet psychiatry commission on the future of psychiatry
D Bhugra, A Tasman, S Pathare, S Priebe, S Smith, J Torous, ...
The Lancet Psychiatry 4 (10), 775-818, 2017
Users' voices: The perspectives of mental health service users on community and hospital care
D Rose
Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health, 2001
Development and psychometric properties of the reported and intended behaviour scale (RIBS): a stigma-related behaviour measure
S Evans-Lacko, D Rose, K Little, C Flach, D Rhydderch, C Henderson, ...
Epidemiology and psychiatric sciences 20 (3), 263-271, 2011
Barriers and facilitators of disclosures of domestic violence by mental health service users: qualitative study
D Rose, K Trevillion, A Woodall, C Morgan, G Feder, L Howard
The British Journal of Psychiatry 198 (3), 189-194, 2011
250 labels used to stigmatise people with mental illness
D Rose, G Thornicroft, V Pinfold, A Kassam
BMC health services research 7, 1-7, 2007
Lost in the shadows: reflections on the dark side of co-production
O Williams, S Sarre, SC Papoulias, S Knowles, G Robert, P Beresford, ...
Health research policy and systems 18, 1-10, 2020
Patients' views and readmissions 1 year after involuntary hospitalisation
S Priebe, C Katsakou, T Amos, M Leese, R Morriss, D Rose, T Wykes, ...
The British journal of psychiatry 194 (1), 49-54, 2009
Clinical outcomes of Joint Crisis Plans to reduce compulsory treatment for people with psychosis: a randomised controlled trial
G Thornicroft, S Farrelly, G Szmukler, M Birchwood, W Waheed, C Flach, ...
The Lancet 381 (9878), 1634-1641, 2013
Coercion and treatment satisfaction among involuntary patients
C Katsakou, L Bowers, T Amos, R Morriss, D Rose, T Wykes, S Priebe
Psychiatric services 61 (3), 286-292, 2010
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