Anna-Katharina Wurst
Anna-Katharina Wurst
Research Assistant, LMU Munich
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Keep them engaged! Investigating the effects of self-centered social media communication style on user engagement in 12 European countries
M Bene, A Ceron, V Fenoll, J Haßler, S Kruschinski, AO Larsson, M Magin, ...
Political Communication 39 (4), 429-453, 2022
Influence of the pandemic lockdown on Fridays for Future’s hashtag activism
J Haßler, AK Wurst, M Jungblut, K Schlosser
New Media & Society 25 (8), 1991-2013, 2023
Reaching out to the Europeans. Political parties’ Facebook strategies of issue ownership and the second-order character of European Election campaigns
J Haßler, M Magin, U Russmann, P Baranowski, M Bene, K Schlosser, ...
Europawahlkampf 2019: Zur Rolle der Medien, 87-113, 2020
Politicians over issues? Visual personalization in three Instagram election campaigns
J Haßler, AK Wurst, K Pohl
Information, Communication & Society 27 (5), 815-835, 2024
Analysing European Parliament election campaigns across 12 countries: A computer-enhanced content analysis approach
J Haßler, AK Wurst, K Schlosser
Campaigning on Facebook in the 2019 European Parliament Election: Informing …, 2021
Mobilization in the context of campaign functions and citizen participation
AK Wurst, K Pohl, J Haßler
Media and Communication 11 (3), 129-140, 2023
Between anger and love: A multi-level study on the impact of policy issues on user reactions in national election campaigns on Facebook in Germany, Hungary, and Norway
H Tønnesen, M Bene, J Haßler, AO Larsson, M Magin, E Skogerbø, ...
new media & society, 14614448231208122, 2023
Emojis in parties’ online communication during the 2019 European election campaign: Toward a typology of political emoji use
AK Wurst, K Pohl, J Hassler, D Jackson
International Journal of Communication 17, 4686-4706, 2023
Visuelle Personalisierung des Negative Campaigning: Eine Konzeptualisierung anlässlich des Wahlkampfes auf Instagram
K Schlosser, J Haßler, AK Wurst
Die (Massen-) Medien im Wahlkampf: Die Bundestagswahl 2021, 155-177, 2023
A Consistent Picture? Issue‐Based Campaigning on Facebook During the 2021 German Federal Election Campaign
J Haßler, AK Wurst, K Pohl, S Kruschinski
Politics and Governance 12, 2024
Missed opportunity to connect with European citizens? Europarties’ communication on Facebook during the 2019 European election campaign
AK Wurst, V Fenoll, J Haßler, S Kruschinski, M Magin, U Rußmann, ...
Studies in Communication Sciences 22 (1), 165-184, 2022
European issues, but national campaigning of German parties
K Schlosser, AK Wurst, J Haßler, S Kruschinski
Campaigning on Facebook in the 2019 European Parliament Election: Informing …, 2021
European Party Groups: Transnational Continuation or Complement of European National Parties?
AK Wurst, K Schlosser, J Haßler
Campaigning on Facebook in the 2019 European Parliament Election: Informing …, 2021
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