kailey snyder
kailey snyder
Assistant Professor
Patvirtintas el. paštas
They just need to move: Teachers' perception of classroom physical activity breaks
D Dinkel, C Schaffer, K Snyder, JM Lee
Teaching and Teacher Education 63, 186-195, 2017
Social support during COVID-19: perspectives of breastfeeding mothers
K Snyder, G Worlton
Breastfeeding Medicine 16 (1), 39-45, 2021
Workplace breastfeeding support varies by employment type: the service workplace disadvantage
K Snyder, K Hansen, S Brown, A Portratz, K White, D Dinkel
Breastfeeding medicine 13 (1), 23-27, 2018
Exploring gender differences in infant motor development related to parent’s promotion of play
D Dinkel, K Snyder
Infant Behavior and Development 59, 101440, 2020
Examining supports and barriers to breastfeeding through a socio-ecological lens: a qualitative study
K Snyder, E Hulse, H Dingman, A Cantrell, C Hanson, D Dinkel
International breastfeeding journal 16, 1-8, 2021
Purposeful Movement: The Integration of Physical Activity into a Mathematics Unit.
K Snyder, D Dinkel, C Schaffer, S Hiveley, A Colpitts
International Journal of Research in Education and Science 3 (1), 75-87, 2017
An exploration of infant and toddler unstructured outdoor play
D Dinkel, K Snyder, T Patterson, S Warehime, M Kuhn, D Wisneski
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal 27 (2), 257-271, 2019
What gets them moving? College students' motivation for exercise: An exploratory study
K Snyder, JM Lee, A Bjornsen, D Dinkel
Recreational Sports Journal 41 (2), 111-124, 2017
Postural control strategies differ in normal weight and overweight infants
D Dinkel, K Snyder, V Molfese, A Kyvelidou
Gait & posture 55, 167-171, 2017
He’s just content to sit: a qualitative study of mothers’ perceptions of infant obesity and physical activity
D Dinkel, K Snyder, A Kyvelidou, V Molfese
BMC public health 17, 1-10, 2017
Healthy eating and physical activity among breastfeeding women: the role of misinformation
K Snyder, AK Pelster, D Dinkel
BMC pregnancy and childbirth 20, 1-7, 2020
Exploring secondary science teachers' use of classroom physical activity
S Warehime, K Snyder, CL Schaffer, M Bice, M Adkins-Bollwit, D Dinkel
The Physical Educator 76, 197, 2019
Early impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on promotion of infant activity, strength and communication: A qualitative exploration
K Snyder, P Chaudhary, A Pereira, K Masuda, J Niski, D Dinkel
Acta Psychologica 222, 103480, 2022
Perspectives of infant active play: a qualitative comparison of working versus stay-at-home parents
K Snyder, JP Rech, K Masuda, D Dinkel
BMC public health 21, 1-9, 2021
Pelvic floor dysfunction in rural postpartum mothers in the United States: prevalence, severity, and psychosocial correlates
K Snyder, E Mollard, K Bargstadt-Wilson, J Peterson, C Branscum, ...
Women & health 62 (9-10), 775-787, 2022
The impact of body mass index and sociodemographic factors on moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and sedentary behaviors of women with young children: A cross-sectional …
DM Dinkel, N Hein, K Snyder, M Siahpush, S Maloney, L Smith, PA Farazi, ...
Women's Health 16, 1745506519897826, 2020
A qualitative comparison of parent and childcare provider perceptions of communication and family engagement in children's healthy eating and physical activity
D Dinkel, M Rasmussen, JP Rech, K Snyder, DA Dev
Child: care, health and development 48 (1), 99-109, 2022
Affordances in the home environment for motor development-infant scale, Spanish translation
D Dinkel, K Snyder, P Cacola
Early child development and care 189 (5), 802-810, 2019
Exploring rural and urban Go NAP SACC trained child care providers perceptions and needs regarding the promotion of physical activity and healthy eating
K Snyder, Z Rida, E Hulse, D Dev, D Dinkel
Cogent Social Sciences 5 (1), 1650412, 2019
“We don’t talk about it enough”: Perceptions of pelvic health among postpartum women in rural communities
K Snyder, E Mollard, K Bargstadt-Wilson, J Peterson
Women's Health 18, 17455057221122584, 2022
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