Azad Abdulkadir Mohammed
Azad Abdulkadir Mohammed
Professor at College of Engineering, University of Sulaimani, KRG,Iraq
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM): A review
A Mohammed, A Abdullah
Proceedings of the 2018 international conference on hydraulics and …, 2018
Compressive strength of sustainable geopolymer concrete composites: a state-of-the-art review‏‎
SMAQ HU Ahmed, AA Mohammed, S K. Rafiq, AS Mohammed, A Mosavi, NH Sor,
Sustainability 13 (24), 2021
Compressive strength of geopolymer concrete modified with nano-silica: Experimental and modeling investigations‏‎
AAM HU Ahmed, AS Mohammed, RH Faraj, SMA Qaidi
Case Studies in Construction Materials 16 (e01036), 2022
Geopolymer concrete as a cleaner construction material: An overview on materials and structural performances
AAM mn Unis Ahmed, Lavan J. Mahmood, Muhammad A. Muhammad a, Rabar H. Faraj ...
Cleaner Materials 5 (Elsevier), 100111, 2022
Use of recycled fibers in concrete composites: A systematic comprehensive review
HU Ahmed, RH Faraj, N Hilal, AA Mohammed, AFH Sherwani
Composites Part B: Engineering 215, 108769, 2021
Innovative modeling techniques including MEP, ANN and FQ to forecast the compressive strength of geopolymer concrete modified with nanoparticles
HU Ahmed, AS Mohammed, RH Faraj, AA Abdalla, SMA Qaidi, NH Sor, ...
Neural Computing and Applications 35 (17), 12453-12479, 2023
Some properties of concrete with plastic aggregate derived from shredded PVC sheets
SAM Azad A. Mohammed, Ilham I. Mohammed
Construction and building materials 201, 232-245, 2017
Experimental behavior and analysis of high strength concrete beams reinforced with PET waste fiber
AA Mohammed, AAF Rahim
Construction and Building Materials 244, 118350, 2020
The role of nanomaterials in geopolymer concrete composites: A state-of-the-art review‏‎
ASM HU Ahmed, AA Mohammed
Journal of Building Engineering 49 (104062‏), 2022
Survey of Mechanical Properties of Geopolymer Concrete: A Comprehensive Review and Data Analysis
AM Azad A. Mohammed, Hemn Unis Ahmed
Materials 14, 2021
Flexural behavior and analysis of reinforced concrete beams made of recycled PET waste concrete
AA Mohammed
Construction and Building Materials 155, 593-604, 2017
Compressive strength of geopolymer concrete composites: a systematic comprehensive review, analysis and modeling
AAM Hemn U. Hemn U. Ahmed, Ahmed S. Mohammed, Shaker M. A. Qaidi, Rabar H ...
European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering 23 (3), 1383-1428, 2023
Systematic multiscale models to predict the compressive strength of fly ash-based geopolymer concrete at various mixture proportions and curing regimes
RHF Hemn U. Ahmed, Ahmed S. Mohammed, Azad A. Mohammed
PloS one 16, 2021
Systematic multiscale models to predict the compressive strength of self-compacting concretes modified with nanosilica at different curing ages
HUA Rabar H Faraj, Azad A Mohammed, Ahmed Mohammed, Khalid M Omer
Engineering with computer, 1-24, 2021
Soft computing models to predict the compressive strength of GGBS/FA-geopolymer concrete
HU Ahmed, AA Mohammed, A Mohammed
PloS one 17 (5), e0265846, 2022
Proposing several model techniques including ANN and M5P-tree to predict the compressive strength of geopolymer concretes incorporated with nano-silica
AAM Hemn Unis Ahmed, Ahmed S. Mohammed
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 29 (Springer), 71232-71256, 2022
Fresh and mechanical performances of recycled plastic aggregate geopolymer concrete modified with Nano-silica: Experimental and computational investigation
AAM Hemn U. Ahmed, Ahmed S. Mohammed
Construction and Building Materials 394 (132266), 26, 2023
Mathematical modeling techniques to predict the compressive strength of high-strength concrete incorporated metakaolin with multiple mix proportions
AAM Hemn. U. Ahmed, Aso. A. Abdalla, Ahmed S. Mohammed
Cleaner Materials 5 (-), 100132, 2022
Engineering properties of geopolymer concrete composites incorporated recycled plastic aggregates modified with nano-silica
AAM Hemn Unis Ahmed, Ahmed S. Mohammed
Journal of Building Engineering 75 (15), 106942, 2023
Statistical Methods for Modeling the Compressive Strength of Geopolymer Mortar
AM Hemn Unis Ahmed, Aso A. Abdalla, Ahmed S. Mohammed, Azad A. Mohammed
Materials 15 (2022), 23, 2022
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