Upper echelons: The organization as a reflection of its top managers DC Hambrick, PA Mason Academy of management review 9 (2), 193-206, 1984 | 22959 | 1984 |
Strategic leadership S Finkelstein, D Hambrick, A Cannella Minneapolis, MN, 1996 | 8541* | 1996 |
Upper echelons theory: An update DC Hambrick Academy of management review 32 (2), 334-343, 2007 | 6646 | 2007 |
Top-management-team tenure and organizational outcomes: The moderating role of managerial discretion S Finkelstein, DC Hambrick Administrative science quarterly, 484-503, 1990 | 3680 | 1990 |
The influence of top management team heterogeneity on firms' competitive moves DC Hambrick, TS Cho, MJ Chen Administrative science quarterly, 659-684, 1996 | 3417 | 1996 |
It's all about me: Narcissistic chief executive officers and their effects on company strategy and performance A Chatterjee, DC Hambrick Administrative science quarterly 52 (3), 351-386, 2007 | 2931 | 2007 |
Managerial discretion: A bridge between polar views of organizational outcomes. DC Hambrick, S Finkelstein Research in organizational behavior, 1987 | 2895 | 1987 |
Explaining the premiums paid for large acquisitions: Evidence of CEO hubris MLA Hayward, DC Hambrick Administrative science quarterly, 103-127, 1997 | 2891 | 1997 |
Some tests of the effectiveness and functional attributes of Miles and Snow's strategic types DC Hambrick Academy of Management journal 26 (1), 5-26, 1983 | 2174 | 1983 |
Speed, stealth, and selective attack: How small firms differ from large firms in competitive behavior MJ Chen, DC Hambrick Academy of management journal 38 (2), 453-482, 1995 | 1838 | 1995 |
The seasons of a CEO's tenure DC Hambrick, GDS Fukutomi Academy of management review 16 (4), 719-742, 1991 | 1838 | 1991 |
Top executive commitment to the status quo: Some tests of its determinants DC Hambrick, MA Geletkanycz, JW Fredrickson Strategic management journal 14 (6), 401-418, 1993 | 1666 | 1993 |
The external ties of top executives: Implications for strategic choice and performance MA Geletkanycz, DC Hambrick Administrative science quarterly, 654-681, 1997 | 1662 | 1997 |
What is strategic management, really? Inductive derivation of a consensus definition of the field R Nag, DC Hambrick, MJ Chen Strategic management journal 28 (9), 935-955, 2007 | 1613 | 2007 |
Top management teams DC Hambrick Handbook of top management teams, 23-30, 2010 | 1528 | 2010 |
Diversification posture and top management team characteristics JG Michel, DC Hambrick Academy of Management journal 35 (1), 9-37, 1992 | 1448 | 1992 |
Environmental scanning and organizational strategy DC Hambrick Strategic management journal 3 (2), 159-174, 1982 | 1410 | 1982 |
Political ideologies of CEOs: The influence of executives’ values on corporate social responsibility MK Chin, DC Hambrick, LK Treviño Administrative science quarterly 58 (2), 197-232, 2013 | 1407 | 2013 |
High profit strategies in mature capital goods industries: A contingency approach DC Hambrick Academy of Management journal 26 (4), 687-707, 1983 | 1304 | 1983 |
Top team deterioration as part of the downward spiral of large corporate bankruptcies DC Hambrick, RA D'Aveni Management Science 38 (10), 1445-1466, 1992 | 1245 | 1992 |