Peer to peer energy trading with electric vehicles R Alvaro-Hermana, J Fraile-Ardanuy, PJ Zufiria, L Knapen, D Janssens IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine 8 (3), 33-44, 2016 | 240 | 2016 |
Implementation framework and development trajectory of FEATHERS activity-based simulation platform T Bellemans, B Kochan, D Janssens, G Wets, T Arentze, H Timmermans Transportation research record 2175 (1), 111-119, 2010 | 229 | 2010 |
Improved hierarchical fuzzy TOPSIS for road safety performance evaluation Q Bao, D Ruan, Y Shen, E Hermans, D Janssens Knowledge-based systems 32, 84-90, 2012 | 192 | 2012 |
How children view their travel behaviour: a case study from Flanders (Belgium) E Zwerts, G Allaert, D Janssens, G Wets, F Witlox Journal of transport geography 18 (6), 702-710, 2010 | 190 | 2010 |
A dynamic activity-based population modelling approach to evaluate exposure to air pollution: Methods and application to a Dutch urban area C Beckx, LI Panis, T Arentze, D Janssens, R Torfs, S Broekx, G Wets Environmental Impact assessment review 29 (3), 179-185, 2009 | 172 | 2009 |
UAV-based traffic analysis: A universal guiding framework based on literature survey MA Khan, W Ectors, T Bellemans, D Janssens, G Wets Transportation research procedia 22, 541-550, 2017 | 153 | 2017 |
Multi-agent simulation of individual mobility behavior in carpooling S Galland, L Knapen, N Gaud, D Janssens, O Lamotte, A Koukam, G Wets Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 45, 83-98, 2014 | 150 | 2014 |
Integrating Bayesian networks and decision trees in a sequential rule-based transportation model D Janssens, G Wets, T Brijs, K Vanhoof, T Arentze, H Timmermans European Journal of operational research 175 (1), 16-34, 2006 | 142 | 2006 |
Presentation and evaluation of an integrated model chain to respond to traffic-and health-related policy questions W Lefebvre, B Degrawe, C Beckx, M Vanhulsel, B Kochan, T Bellemans, ... Environmental modelling & software 40, 160-170, 2013 | 133 | 2013 |
Unmanned aerial vehicle-based traffic analysis: A case study for shockwave identification and flow parameters estimation at signalized intersections MA Khan, W Ectors, T Bellemans, D Janssens, G Wets Remote Sensing 10 (3), 458, 2018 | 112 | 2018 |
The socio-cognitive links between road pricing acceptability and changes in travel-behavior M Cools, K Brijs, H Tormans, E Moons, D Janssens, G Wets Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 45 (8), 779-788, 2011 | 110 | 2011 |
Annotating mobile phone location data with activity purposes using machine learning algorithms F Liu, D Janssens, G Wets, M Cools Expert Systems with Applications 40 (8), 3299-3311, 2013 | 109 | 2013 |
An integrated activity-based modelling framework to assess vehicle emissions: approach and application C Beckx, LI Panis, J Vankerkom, D Janssens, G Wets, T Arentze Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 36 (6), 1086-1102, 2009 | 90 | 2009 |
Detecting urban road network accessibility problems using taxi GPS data JX Cui, F Liu, D Janssens, S An, G Wets, M Cools Journal of Transport Geography 51, 147-157, 2016 | 88 | 2016 |
Disaggregation of nation-wide dynamic population exposure estimates in The Netherlands: Applications of activity-based transport models C Beckx, LI Panis, I Uljee, T Arentze, D Janssens, G Wets Atmospheric Environment 43 (34), 5454-5462, 2009 | 82 | 2009 |
Unmanned aerial vehicle–based traffic analysis: Methodological framework for automated multivehicle trajectory extraction MA Khan, W Ectors, T Bellemans, D Janssens, G Wets Transportation research record 2626 (1), 25-33, 2017 | 78 | 2017 |
Building a validation measure for activity-based transportation models based on mobile phone data F Liu, D Janssens, JX Cui, YP Wang, G Wets, M Cools Expert Systems with Applications 41 (14), 6174-6189, 2014 | 76 | 2014 |
Determining electric vehicle charging point locations considering drivers’ daily activities J Gonzalez, R Alvaro, C Gamallo, M Fuentes, J Fraile-Ardanuy, L Knapen, ... Procedia Computer Science 32, 647-654, 2014 | 76 | 2014 |
Mapping leisure shopping trip decision making: Validation of the CNET interview protocol T De Ceunynck, D Kusumastuti, E Hannes, D Janssens, G Wets Quality & Quantity 47, 1831-1849, 2013 | 76 | 2013 |
Improving performance of multiagent rule-based model for activity pattern decisions with Bayesian networks D Janssens, G Wets, T Brijs, K Vanhoof, T Arentze, H Timmermans Transportation Research Record 1894 (1), 75-83, 2004 | 71 | 2004 |