Schütt Brigitta
Schütt Brigitta
Freie Universität Berlin, Physical Geography
Patvirtintas el. paštas
An assessment of the global impact of 21st century land use change on soil erosion
P Borrelli, DA Robinson, LR Fleischer, E Lugato, C Ballabio, C Alewell, ...
Nature communications 8 (1), 2013, 2017
Soil erosion and conservation in Ethiopia: a review
N Haregeweyn, A Tsunekawa, J Nyssen, J Poesen, M Tsubo, ...
Progress in Physical Geography 39 (6), 750-774, 2015
An assessment of the global impact of 21st century land use change on soil erosion, Nat. Commun., 8, 2013
P Borrelli, DA Robinson, LR Fleischer, E Lugato, C Ballabio, C Alewell, ...
Mapping complex patterns of erosion and stability in dry Mediterranean ecosystems
J Hill, B Schütt
Remote sensing of environment 74 (3), 557-569, 2000
A multi-proxy approach to reconstruct hydrological changes and Holocene climate development of Nam Co, Central Tibet
I Mügler, G Gleixner, F Günther, R Mäusbacher, G Daut, B Schütt, ...
Journal of Paleolimnology 43, 625-648, 2010
Effect of Good Agricultural and Environmental Conditions on erosion and soil organic carbon balance: A national case study
P Borrelli, K Paustian, P Panagos, A Jones, B Schütt, E Lugato
Land use policy 50, 408-421, 2016
Development and analysis of the Soil Water Infiltration Global database
M Rahmati, L Weihermüller, J Vanderborght, YA Pachepsky, L Mao, ...
Earth System Science Data 10 (3), 1237-1263, 2018
Modeling soil erosion and river sediment yield for an intermountain drainage basin of the Central Apennines, Italy
P Borrelli, M Märker, P Panagos, B Schütt
Catena 114, 45-58, 2014
Modelling post‐tree‐harvesting soil erosion and sediment deposition potential in the Turano River Basin (Italian Central Apennine)
P Borrelli, M Märker, B Schütt
Land Degradation & Development 26 (4), 356-366, 2015
Ancient water harvesting methods in the drylands of the Mediterranean and Western Asia
B Beckers, J Berking, B Schütt
Cereal processing at early neolithic Göbekli Tepe, southeastern Turkey
L Dietrich, J Meister, O Dietrich, J Notroff, J Kiep, J Heeb, A Beuger, ...
PLoS One 14 (5), e0215214, 2019
Integrated water resources management approaches to improve water resources governance
J Katusiime, B Schütt
Water 12 (12), 3424, 2020
Meteorological causes of Harmattan dust in West Africa
W Schwanghart, B Schütt
Geomorphology 95 (3-4), 412-428, 2008
Assessment of the impacts of clear-cutting on soil loss by water erosion in Italian forests: First comprehensive monitoring and modelling approach
P Borrelli, P Panagos, M Märker, S Modugno, B Schütt
Catena 149, 770-781, 2017
An overview of the impacts of land use land cover changes (1980–2014) on urban water security of Kolkata
S Mukherjee, W Bebermeier, B Schütt
Land 7 (3), 91, 2018
The dimension of water in Central Asia: security concerns and the long road of capacity building
B Abdolvand, L Mez, K Winter, S Mirsaeedi-Gloßner, B Schütt, KT Rost, ...
Environmental Earth Sciences 73, 897-912, 2015
Age determination of Petra's engineered landscape–optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) and radiocarbon ages of runoff terrace systems in the Eastern Highlands of Jordan
B Beckers, B Schütt, S Tsukamoto, M Frechen
Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (1), 333-348, 2013
Indigenous agricultural systems in the dry zone of Sri Lanka: Management transformation assessment and sustainability
N Abeywardana, B Schütt, T Wagalawatta, W Bebermeier
Sustainability 11 (3), 910, 2019
Analyzing the hydrologic effects of region-wide land and water development interventions: a case study of the Upper Blue Nile basin
N Haregeweyn, A Tsunekawa, M Tsubo, D Meshesha, E Adgo, J Poesen, ...
Regional Environmental Change 16, 951-966, 2016
A brief review of machine learning algorithms in forest fires science
R Alkhatib, W Sahwan, A Alkhatieb, B Schütt
Applied Sciences 13 (14), 8275, 2023
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