Thomas Guillaume
Thomas Guillaume
AGROSCOPE - Field-crop systems and plant nutrition
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Losses of soil carbon by converting tropical forest to plantations: erosion and decomposition estimated by δ13C
T Guillaume, M Damris, Y Kuzyakov
Global change biology 21 (9), 3548-3560, 2015
Land-use change affects phosphorus fractions in highly weathered tropical soils
D Maranguit, T Guillaume, Y Kuzyakov
Catena 149, 385-393, 2017
Carbon costs and benefits of Indonesian rainforest conversion to plantations
T Guillaume, MM Kotowska, D Hertel, A Knohl, V Krashevska, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 2388, 2018
Water scarcity and oil palm expansion: social views and environmental processes
J Merten, A Röll, T Guillaume, A Meijide, S Tarigan, H Agusta, C Dislich, ...
Ecology and Society 21 (2), 2016
Effects of flooding on phosphorus and iron mobilization in highly weathered soils under different land-use types: Short-term effects and mechanisms
D Maranguit, T Guillaume, Y Kuzyakov
Catena 158, 161-170, 2017
Soil degradation in oil palm and rubber plantations under land resource scarcity
T Guillaume, AM Holtkamp, M Damris, B Brümmer, Y Kuzyakov
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 232, 110-118, 2016
Sensitivity and resistance of soil fertility indicators to land-use changes: New concept and examples from conversion of Indonesian rainforest to plantations
T Guillaume, D Maranguit, K Murtilaksono, Y Kuzyakov
Ecological Indicators 67, 49-57, 2016
Measured greenhouse gas budgets challenge emission savings from palm-oil biodiesel
A Meijide, C de La Rua, T Guillaume, A Röll, E Hassler, C Stiegler, A Tjoa, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 1089, 2020
New approaches for evaluation of soil health, sensitivity and resistance to degradation
Y Kuzyakov, A Gunina, K Zamanian, J Tian, Y Luo, X Xu, A Yudina, ...
Front. Agric. Sci. Eng 7 (3), 282, 2020
Long-term soil organic carbon dynamics in temperate cropland-grassland systems
T Guillaume, L Bragazza, C Levasseur, Z Libohova, S Sinaj
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 305, 107184, 2021
Soil organic carbon saturation in cropland-grassland systems: Storage potential and soil quality
T Guillaume, D Makowski, Z Libohova, L Bragazza, F Sallaku, S Sinaj
Geoderma 406, 115529, 2022
Utilization of research knowledge in sustainable development pathways: Insights from a transdisciplinary research-for-development programme
J Jacobi, A Llanque, S Bieri, E Birachi, R Cochard, ND Chauvin, ...
Environmental science & policy 103, 21-29, 2020
Carbon neutral expansion of oil palm plantations in the Neotropics
JC Quezada, A Etter, J Ghazoul, A Buttler, T Guillaume
Science advances 5 (11), eaaw4418, 2019
Slash-and-burn agriculture and tropical cyclone activity in Madagascar: Implication for soil fertility dynamics and corn performance
JM Gay-des-Combes, BJM Robroek, D Hervé, T Guillaume, C Pistocchi, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 239, 207-218, 2017
Role of fertilization regime on soil carbon sequestration and crop yield in a maize-cowpea intercropping system on low fertility soils
M Roohi, MS Arif, T Guillaume, T Yasmeen, M Riaz, A Shakoor, ...
Geoderma 428, 116152, 2022
Drought-induced decline of productivity in the dominant grassland species Lolium perenne L. depends on soil type and prevailing climatic conditions
A Buttler, P Mariotte, M Meisser, T Guillaume, C Signarbieux, A Vitra, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 132, 47-57, 2019
Carbon storage in agricultural topsoils and subsoils is promoted by including temporary grasslands into the crop rotation
T Guillaume, D Makowski, Z Libohova, S Elfouki, M Fontana, J Leifeld, ...
Geoderma 422, 115937, 2022
Transpiration on the rebound in lowland Sumatra
A Röll, F Niu, A Meijide, J Ahongshangbam, M Ehbrecht, T Guillaume, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 274, 160-171, 2019
Riparian wetland properties counter the effect of land-use change on soil carbon stocks after rainforest conversion to plantations
N Hennings, JN Becker, T Guillaume, M Damris, MA Dippold, Y Kuzyakov
Catena 196, 104941, 2021
Frequent carbon input primes decomposition of decadal soil organic matter
J Zhou, T Guillaume, Y Wen, E Blagodatskaya, M Shahbaz, Z Zeng, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 175, 108850, 2022
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