Sylvain Fleury
Sylvain Fleury
Ecole Nationale des Arts et Métiers
Patvirtintas el. paštas
What drives corporate carsharing acceptance? A French case study
S Fleury, A Tom, E Jamet, E Colas-Maheux
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 45, 218-227, 2017
Can tablet apps support the learning of handwriting? An investigation of learning outcomes in kindergarten classroom
N Bonneton-Botté, S Fleury, N Girard, M Le Magadou, A Cherbonnier, ...
Computers & Education 151, 103831, 2020
Impact of avatar facial anthropomorphism on body ownership, attractiveness and social presence in collaborative tasks in immersive virtual environments
C Dubosc, G Gorisse, O Christmann, S Fleury, K Poinsot, S Richir
Computers & Graphics 101, 82-92, 2021
Multi-user centered design: acceptance, user experience, user research and user testing
S Fleury, N Chaniaud
Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 1-16, 2023
A study of the effects of a natural virtual environment on creativity during a product design activity
S Fleury, P Blanchard, S Richir
Thinking Skills and Creativity 40, 100828, 2021
Studying the effects of visual movement on creativity
S Fleury, A Agnès, R Vanukuru, E Goumillout, N Delcombel, S Richir
Thinking skills and Creativity 36, 100661, 2020
Effect of additional warning sounds on pedestrians’ detection of electric vehicles: An ecological approach
S Fleury, É Jamet, V Roussarie, L Bosc, JC Chamard
Accident Analysis & Prevention 97, 176-185, 2016
A French corpus for distant-microphone speech processing in real homes
N Bertin, E Camberlein, E Vincent, R Lebarbenchon, S Peillon, ...
Interspeech 2016, 2016
Is virtual reality the solution? A comparison between 3D and 2D creative sketching tools in the early design process
S Houzangbe, D Masson, S Fleury, DA Gómez Jáuregui, J Legardeur, ...
Frontiers in Virtual Reality 3, 958223, 2022
Interactive interpretation of structured documents: Application to the recognition of handwritten architectural plans
A Ghorbel, A Lemaitre, E Anquetil, S Fleury, E Jamet
Pattern recognition 48 (8), 2446-2458, 2015
Effects of social influence on idea selection in creativity workshops
S Fleury, A Agnes, L Cados, Q Denis-Lutard, C Duchêne, N Rigaud, ...
Thinking skills and creativity 37, 100691, 2020
Innovative process for furniture design: contributions of 3D scan and virtual reality
S Fleury, B Poussard, P Blanchard, L Dupont, PM Broekema, S Richir
Computer-Aided Design and Applications 19 (5), 868-878, 2022
Effects of digital tools feature on creativity and communicability of ideas for upstream phase of conception
C Mille, O Christmann, S Fleury, S Richir
4th International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and …, 2020
I am a genius! influence of virtually embodying leonardo da vinci on creative performance
G Gorisse, S Wellenreiter, S Fleury, A Lécuyer, S Richir, O Christmann
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 29 (11), 4328-4338, 2023
Impact of avatar anthropomorphism and task type on social presence in immersive collaborative virtual environments
C Dubosc, G Gorisse, O Christmann, S Fleury, K Poinsot, S Richir
2021 IEEE conference on virtual reality and 3D user interfaces abstracts and …, 2021
Studying the effect of symmetry in team structures on collaborative tasks in virtual reality
A Agnès, F Sylvain, R Vanukuru, S Richir
Behaviour & Information Technology 42 (14), 2467-2475, 2023
Visualizing the invisible: User-centered design of a system for the visualization of flows and concentrations of particles in the air
O Christmann, S Fleury, J Migaud, V Raimbault, B Poussard, T Guitter, ...
Information Visualization 21 (3), 311-320, 2022
Maëlys Le Magadou, Anthony Cherbonnier, Mickaël Renault, Eric Anquetil, and Eric Jamet. 2020. Can tablet apps support the learning of handwriting? an investigation of learning …
N Bonneton-Botté, S Fleury, N Girard
Computers & education 151, 103831, 2020
What are the Challenges and Enabling Technologies to Implement the Do-It-Together Approach, its Benefits and Drawbacks?
M Pallot, S Fleury, B Poussard, S Richir
Journal of Innovation Economics & Management, 2022
CRUX: a creativity and user experience model
S Fleury, R Vanukuru, C Mille, K Poinsot, A Agnès, S Richir
Digital Creativity 32 (2), 116-123, 2021
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