Patrick S Kamath
Patrick S Kamath
Professor of Medicine
Patvirtintas el. paštas
A model to predict survival in patients with end–stage liver disease
PS Kamath, RH Wiesner, M Malinchoc, W Kremers, TM Therneau, ...
Hepatology 33 (2), 464-470, 2001
A model to predict poor survival in patients undergoing transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunts
M Malinchoc, PS Kamath, FD Gordon, CJ Peine, J Rank, PCJ Ter Borg
Hepatology 31 (4), 864-871, 2000
Burden of liver diseases in the world
SK Asrani, H Devarbhavi, J Eaton, PS Kamath
Journal of hepatology 70 (1), 151-171, 2019
Model for end-stage liver disease (MELD) and allocation of donor livers
R Wiesner, E Edwards, R Freeman, A Harper, R Kim, P Kamath, ...
Gastroenterology 124 (1), 91-96, 2003
The model for end‐stage liver disease (MELD)
PS Kamath, WR Kim
Hepatology 45 (3), 797-805, 2007
Hyponatremia and mortality among patients on the liver-transplant waiting list
WR Kim, SW Biggins, WK Kremers, RH Wiesner, PS Kamath, JT Benson, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 359 (10), 1018-1026, 2008
Liver cirrhosis
P Ginès, A Krag, JG Abraldes, E Solà, N Fabrellas, PS Kamath
The Lancet 398 (10308), 1359-1376, 2021
MELD and PELD: application of survival models to liver allocation
RH Wiesner, SV McDiarmid, PS Kamath, EB Edwards, M Malinchoc, ...
Liver transplantation 7 (7), 567-580, 2001
Evidence-based incorporation of serum sodium concentration into MELD
SW Biggins, WR Kim, NA Terrault, S Saab, V Balan, T Schiano, J Benson, ...
Gastroenterology 130 (6), 1652-1660, 2006
Mesenteric venous thrombosis
S Kumar, MG Sarr, PS Kamath
New England Journal of Medicine 345 (23), 1683-1688, 2001
Global burden of liver disease: 2023 update
H Devarbhavi, SK Asrani, JP Arab, YA Nartey, E Pose, PS Kamath
Journal of hepatology 79 (2), 516-537, 2023
ACG clinical guideline: alcoholic liver disease
AK Singal, R Bataller, J Ahn, PS Kamath, VH Shah
Official journal of the American College of Gastroenterology| ACG 113 (2 …, 2018
Acute-on chronic liver failure
R Jalan, P Gines, JC Olson, RP Mookerjee, R Moreau, G Garcia-Tsao, ...
Journal of hepatology 57 (6), 1336-1348, 2012
MELD accurately predicts mortality in patients with alcoholic hepatitis
W Dunn, LH Jamil, LS Brown, RH Wiesner, WR Kim, KVN Menon, ...
Hepatology 41 (2), 353-358, 2005
The Budd–Chiari syndrome
KVN Menon, V Shah, PS Kamath
New England Journal of Medicine 350 (6), 578-585, 2004
Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunting versus paracentesis plus albumin for refractory ascites in cirrhosis
P Ginès, J Uriz, B Calahorra, G Garcia–Tsao, PS Kamath, LR Del Arbol, ...
Gastroenterology 123 (6), 1839-1847, 2002
Risk factors for mortality after surgery in patients with cirrhosis
SH Teh, DM Nagorney, SR Stevens, KP Offord, TM Therneau, DJ Plevak, ...
Gastroenterology 132 (4), 1261-1269, 2007
Drug‐induced autoimmune hepatitis: clinical characteristics and prognosis
E Björnsson, J Talwalkar, S Treeprasertsuk, PS Kamath, N Takahashi, ...
Hepatology 51 (6), 2040-2048, 2010
Survival in infection‐related acute‐on‐chronic liver failure is defined by extrahepatic organ failures
JS Bajaj, JG O'Leary, KR Reddy, F Wong, SW Biggins, H Patton, ...
Hepatology 60 (1), 250-256, 2014
Management of antithrombotic therapy in patients undergoing invasive procedures
TH Baron, PS Kamath, RD McBane
New England Journal of Medicine 368 (22), 2113-2124, 2013
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