Verona Leendertz
Verona Leendertz
Doctor in Training and Development
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Success factors for serious games to enhance learning: a systematic review
WS Ravyse, A Seugnet Blignaut, V Leendertz, A Woolner
Virtual Reality 21, 31-58, 2017
Hypercontextualized learning games: Fantasy, motivation, and engagement in reality
C Islas Sedano, V Leendertz, M Vinni, E Sutinen, S Ellis
Simulation & Gaming 44 (6), 821-845, 2013
Technological pedagogical content knowledge in South African mathematics classrooms: A secondary analysis of SITES 2006 data
V Leendertz, AS Blignaut, HD Nieuwoudt, CJ Els, SM Ellis
Pythagoras 34 (2), 1-9, 2013
Quantitizing affective data as project evaluation on the use of a mathematics mobile game and intelligent tutoring system
E Nygren, AS Blignaut, V Leendertz, E Sutinen
Informatics in Education 18 (2), 375-402, 2019
Internet banking service quality in South Africa: a qualitative analysis of consumer perceptions
EH Redda, J Surujlal, V Leendertz
International Journal of Trade and Global Markets 10 (1), 67-74, 2017
The development, validation and standardisation of a questionnaire for ICT professional development of mathematics teachers
V Leendertz, AS Blignaut, S Ellis, HD Nieuwoud
pythagoras 36 (2), 1-11, 2015
A heuristic evaluation of the design and development of a statistics serious game
L Bunt, V Leendertz, AS Blignaut
Proceedings of the 16th World Conference on Mobile and Contextual Learning, 1-7, 2017
Sustainability elements of companies that are affected by pandemics
AM Moolman, JP Fouché, V Leendertz
Journal of Economic and Financial Sciences 16 (1), 828, 2023
Guidelines for the professional development of mathematics teachers in the pedagogical use of ICT in open distance learning
V Leendertz
Internet banking service quality scale development in South Africa: A qualitative approach
EH Redda, J Surujlal, V Leendertz
27th Annual SAIMS Conference, 2015
Blackboard or WhatsApp: Which space South African rural students access and engage with more?
M Mbodila, V Leendertz
EdMedia+ Innovate Learning, 1377-1386, 2020
Rethinking commerce education in South Africa: The case for change to develop future-fit business leaders
E Loots, J Oberholster, A Steyn, A Antonites, A van der Merwe, A Merino, ...
AOSIS, 2024
Service Quality Customer Value Satisfaction and Loyalty in an Internet Banking Environment
E Redda, J Surujlal, V Leendertz
International Journal of Bank Marketing 34 (3), 137-157, 2017
Survive with Vuvu in the Vaal: Conceptualizing, designing and developing a Serious Game for first year statistics students at the Vaal Triangle Campus
V Leendertz, F Lizanne, B Martin
EdMedia+ Innovate Learning, 93-103, 2015
Sustainability reporting in pandemics: Theoretical development of guidelines for improved reporting
AM Moolman, JP Fouché, V Leendertz
Cogent Economics & Finance 11 (2), 2246321, 2023
Towards a Theoretical Serious Game Design Framework for Accountancy Education
V Pelser-Carstens, V Leendertz
EdMedia+ Innovate Learning, 557-576, 2022
The development, validation and standardisation of a questionnaire measuring an auditing teaching-learning intervention at a SAICA-accredited university
O Stumke, AM Moolman, V Leendertz
South African Journal of Higher Education 37 (2), 251-271, 2023
F-EMS Incorporated: A BCOM Mobile Serious Game to Simulate the Business Environment
V Leendertz, GD Matthew
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Education Technology and …, 2022
Balancing the scale: Faculty comperacy perceptions for teaching screen people within a developing ODL context
S Blignaut, V Leendertz
EdMedia+ Innovate Learning, 18-24, 2013
Hypercontextualized learning games: Fantasy, motivation, and
CI Sedano, V Leendertz, M Vinni, E Sutinen, S Ellis
Simulation & Gaming.[GS Search], 2013
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