Henner Busch
Henner Busch
Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies, Lund University
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
‘Successful’low-carbon energy transitions at the community level? An energy justice perspective
L Mundaca, H Busch, S Schwer
Applied Energy 218, 292-303, 2018
Local power: exploring the motivations of mayors and key success factors for local municipalities to go 100% renewable energy
H Busch, K McCormick
Energy, Sustainability and Society 4 (1), 5, 2014
“We are not in this to save the polar bears!”–the link between community renewable energy development and ecological citizenship
M Islar, H Busch
Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 29 (3), 303-319, 2016
Linked for action? An analysis of transnational municipal climate networks in Germany
H Busch
International Journal of Urban Sustainable Development 7 (2), 213-231, 2015
Shaping local response–The influence of transnational municipal climate networks on urban climate governance
H Busch, L Bendlin, P Fenton
Urban climate 24, 221-230, 2018
Policy challenges to community energy in the EU: A systematic review of the scientific literature
H Busch, S Ruggiero, A Isakovic, T Hansen
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 151, 111535, 2021
Context and agency in urban community energy initiatives: An analysis of six case studies from the Baltic Sea Region
S Ruggiero, H Busch, T Hansen, A Isakovic
Energy Policy 148, 111956, 2021
Green Attraction-Transnational Municipal Climate Networks and Green City Branding
H Busch, S Anderberg
J. Mgmt. & Sustainability 5 (4), 1, 2015
The social complexity of renewable energy production in the countryside
C Kunze, H Busch
Electronic Green Journal 1 (31), 2011
Of pipe dreams and fossil fools: Advancing Canadian fossil fuel hegemony through the Trans Mountain pipeline
N Kraushaar-Friesen, H Busch
Energy Research & Social Science 69, 101695, 2020
Modernist dreams and green sagas: The neoliberal politics of Iceland's renewable energy economy
H Guðmundsdóttir, W Carton, H Busch, V Ramasar
Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 1 (4), 579-601, 2018
Renewables in cities 2021 global status report
L Ranalder, H Busch, T Hansen, M Brommer, T Couture, D Gibb, F Guerra, ...
REN21 Secretariat, 2021
When energy justice is contested: A systematic review of a decade of research on Sweden's conflicted energy landscape
V Ramasar, H Busch, E Brandstedt, K Rudus
Energy Research & Social Science 94, 102862, 2022
Building communities in times of crisis-Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the work of transition intermediaries in the energy sector
H Busch, T Hansen
Energy Research & Social Science 75, 102020, 2021
The rise and fall of energy democracy: 5 cases of collaborative governance in energy systems
O Berthod, T Blanchet, H Busch, C Kunze, C Nolden, M Wenderlich
Environmental Management 71 (3), 551-564, 2023
Entangled cities: transnational municipal climate networks and urban governance
H Busch
Towards a Neutral North—The Urban Low Carbon Transitions of Akureyri, Iceland
R Kristjansdottir, H Busch
Sustainability 11 (7), 2014, 2019
Identifying the" Usual Suspects"–Assessing Patterns of Representation in Local Environmental Initiatives
P Fenton, H Busch
Challenges in Sustainability 4 (2), 1-14, 2016
Mining coal while digging for justice: Investigating justice claims against a coal-phase out in five countries
H Busch, V Ramasar, S Avila, B Roy, T van Ryneveld, A Mandinic, ...
The Extractive Industries and Society 15, 101275, 2023
Community energy in the eastern Baltic Sea region: from standstill to first steps
S Ruggiero, H Busch, A Isakovic, T Hansen
Renewable energy communities and the low carbon energy transition in europe …, 2021
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