Forrest Horton
Did phosphorus derived from the weathering of large igneous provinces fertilize the Neoproterozoic ocean?
F Horton
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 16 (6), 1723-1738, 2015
Focused radiogenic heating of middle crust caused ultrahigh temperatures in southern Madagascar
F Horton, B Hacker, A Kylander‐Clark, R Holder, N Jöns
Tectonics 35 (2), 293-314, 2016
Himalayan gneiss dome formation in the middle crust and exhumation by normal faulting: New geochronology of Gianbul dome, northwestern India
F Horton, J Lee, B Hacker, M Bowman-Kamaha’o, M Cosca
Bulletin 127 (1-2), 162-180, 2015
Ultrahigh‐temperature osumilite gneisses in southern Madagascar record combined heat advection and high rates of radiogenic heat production in a long‐lived high‐T orogen
RM Holder, BR Hacker, F Horton, AFM Rakotondrazafy
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 36 (7), 855-880, 2018
Age and origin of granites in the Karakoram shear zone and Greater Himalaya Sequence, NW India
F Horton, ML Leech
Lithosphere 5 (3), 300-320, 2013
A major light rare-earth element (LREE) resource in the Khanneshin carbonatite complex, southern Afghanistan
RD Tucker, HE Belkin, KJ Schulz, SG Peters, F Horton, K Buttleman, ...
Economic Geology 107 (2), 197-208, 2012
Protracted (~ 30 Ma) eclogite-facies metamorphism in northern Victoria Land (Antarctica): Implications for the geodynamics of the Ross/Delamerian Orogen
G Di Vincenzo, F Horton, R Palmeri
Gondwana Research 40, 91-106, 2016
Rapid recycling of subducted sedimentary carbon revealed by Afghanistan carbonatite volcano
F Horton
Nature Geoscience 14 (7), 508-512, 2021
Highest terrestrial 3He/4He credibly from the core
F Horton, PD Asimow, KA Farley, J Curtice, MD Kurz, J Blusztajn, JA Biasi, ...
Nature 623 (7985), 90-94, 2023
An extensive record of orogenesis recorded in a Madagascar granulite
F Horton, RM Holder, CR Swindle
Journal of Metamorphic Geology 40 (2), 287-305, 2022
Helium distributions in ocean island basalt olivines revealed by X-ray computed tomography and single-grain crushing experiments
F Horton, K Farley, M Jackson
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 244, 467-477, 2019
Primordial neon in high-3He/4He Baffin Island olivines
F Horton, J Curtice, KA Farley, MD Kurz, PD Asimow, J Treffkorn, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 558, 116762, 2021
Thallium isotopes reveal brine activity during carbonatite magmatism
F Horton, S Nielsen, Y Shu, A Gagnon, J Blusztajn
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 22 (3), e2020GC009472, 2021
Geochronology and zircon geochemistry of Greater Himalaya leucogranites in Zanskar, NW India
FM Horton
Coral Sr‐U Thermometry Tracks Ocean Temperature and Reconciles Sr/Ca Discrepancies Caused by Rayleigh Fractionation
M Galochkina, AL Cohen, DW Oppo, N Mollica, F Horton
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 38 (7), e2022PA004541, 2023
Protracted mantle heat conduction after lithospheric foundering beneath the Malagasy orogen
J Kaare-Rasmussen, F Horton, R Holder, A Kylander-Clark, AS Bouvier, ...
Geology 52 (12), 922-926, 2024
The monazite record of (ultra) high-temperature metamorphism in southern Madagascar: Gondwana terrane correlations and structural trapping of hot middle crust
RM Holder, F Horton, C Swindle, AFM Rakotondrazafy
Journal of the Geological Society 182 (2), jgs2024-065, 2025
Tungsten isotopes in Baffin Island lavas: Evidence of Iceland plume evolution
J Kaare-Rasmussen, D Peters, H Rizo, RW Carlson, SG Nielsen, F Horton
Geochemical Perspectives Letters 28, 7-12, 2023
Capturing equatorial Pacific variability with multivariate Sr‐U coral thermometry
NR Mollica, AL Cohen, F Horton, DW Oppo, AS Solow, D McGee
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology 38 (10), e2022PA004508, 2023
Eruption rates, tempo, and stratigraphy of Paleocene flood basalts on Baffin Island, Canada
J Biasi, P Asimow, F Horton, X Boyes
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 23 (9), e2021GC010172, 2022
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