Stewart Boogert
Stewart Boogert
Professor of Accelerator Physics, University of Manchester
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Exclusive Electroproduction of and Mesons at HERA
Zeus Collaboration
arXiv preprint hep-ex/9808020, 1998
Measurement of production and the charm contribution to in deep inelastic scattering at HERA
ZEUS Collaboration, J Breitweg
The European Physical Journal C-Particles and Fields 12 (1), 35-52, 2000
ZEUS next-to-leading-order QCD analysis of data on deep inelastic scattering
S Chekanov, D Krakauer, S Magill, B Musgrave, J Repond, R Yoshida, ...
Physical Review D 67 (1), 012007, 2003
Open data from the first and second observing runs of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo
R Abbott, TD Abbott, S Abraham, F Acernese, K Ackley, C Adams, ...
SoftwareX 13, 100658, 2021
Physics interplay of the LHC and the ILC
G Weiglein, T Barklow, E Boos, A De Roeck, K Desch, F Gianotti, ...
Physics Reports 426 (2-6), 47-358, 2006
Heavy quarkonium physics
N Brambilla, M Krämer, R Mussa, A Vairo, G Bali, GT Bodwin, E Braaten, ...
arXiv preprint hep-ph/0412158, 2004
Measurement of the proton structure function F2 at very low Q2 at HERA
J Breitweg, S Chekanov, M Derrick, D Krakauer, S Magill, B Musgrave, ...
Physics Letters B 487 (1-2), 53-73, 2000
The forward physics facility at the high-luminosity LHC
JL Feng, F Kling, MH Reno, J Rojo, D Soldin, LA Anchordoqui, J Boyd, ...
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 50 (3), 030501, 2023
Inclusive jet cross sections in the Breit frame in neutral current deep inelastic scattering at HERA and determination of αs
S Chekanov, D Krakauer, S Magill, B Musgrave, J Repond, R Yoshida, ...
Physics Letters B 547 (3-4), 164-180, 2002
Search for single-top production in ep collisions at HERA
S Chekanov, M Derrick, D Krakauer, JH Loizides, S Magill, B Musgrave, ...
Physics Letters B 559 (3-4), 153-170, 2003
Conceptual design report for the LUXE experiment
H Abramowicz, U Acosta, M Altarelli, R Assmann, Z Bai, T Behnke, ...
The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 1-116, 2021
The compact linear collider (CLIC)-2018 summary report
T CLIC, TK Charles, PJ Giansiracusa, TG Lucas, RP Rassool, M Volpi, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1812.06018, 2018
Measurement of high-Q2 charged current cross sections in e + p deep inelastic scattering at HERA
Zeus Collaboration
The European Physical Journal C-Particles and Fields 32 (1), 1-16, 2003
Updated baseline for a staged Compact Linear Collider
C Balazs, TK Charles
CERN, 2016
BDSIM: An accelerator tracking code with particle–matter interactions
LJ Nevay, ST Boogert, J Snuverink, A Abramov, LC Deacon, ...
Computer Physics Communications 252, 107200, 2020
Measurement of the spin-density matrix elements in exclusive electroproduction of mesons at HERA
ZEUS Collaboration, J Breitweg
The European Physical Journal C-Particles and Fields 12 (3), 393-410, 2000
Leading neutron production in e+ p collisions at HERA
S Chekanov, D Krakauer, S Magill, B Musgrave, A Pellegrino, J Repond, ...
Nuclear Physics B 637 (1-3), 3-56, 2002
Measurement of high-charged-current deep inelastic scattering cross sections at HERA
ZEUS Collaboration, J Breitweg
The European Physical Journal C-Particles and Fields 12 (3), 411-428, 2000
Performance of a high resolution cavity beam position monitor system
S Walston, S Boogert, C Chung, P Fitsos, J Frisch, J Gronberg, H Hayano, ...
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators …, 2007
Measurement of open beauty production in photoproduction at HERA
ZEUS Collaboration, J Breitweg
The European Physical Journal C-Particles and Fields 18 (4), 625-637, 2001
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