Richard Andrew Buswell
Richard Andrew Buswell
Patvirtintas el. paštas
3D printing using concrete extrusion: A roadmap for research
RA Buswell, WRL De Silva, SZ Jones, J Dirrenberger
Cement and concrete research 112, 37-49, 2018
Developments in construction-scale additive manufacturing processes
S Lim, RA Buswell, TT Le, SA Austin, AGF Gibb, T Thorpe
Automation in construction 21, 262-268, 2012
Mix design and fresh properties for high-performance printing concrete
TT Le, SA Austin, S Lim, RA Buswell, AGF Gibb, T Thorpe
Materials and structures 45, 1221-1232, 2012
Hardened properties of high-performance printing concrete
TT Le, SA Austin, S Lim, RA Buswell, R Law, AGF Gibb, T Thorpe
Cement and concrete research 42 (3), 558-566, 2012
Predicted vs. actual energy performance of non-domestic buildings: Using post-occupancy evaluation data to reduce the performance gap
AC Menezes, A Cripps, D Bouchlaghem, R Buswell
Applied energy 97, 355-364, 2012
Freeform construction: mega-scale rapid manufacturing for construction
RA Buswell, RC Soar, AGF Gibb, A Thorpe
Automation in construction 16 (2), 224-231, 2007
Development of a viable concrete printing process
S Lim, R Buswell, T Le, R Wackrow, SA Austin, A Gibb, T Thorpe
Estimating the energy consumption and power demand of small power equipment in office buildings
AC Menezes, A Cripps, RA Buswell, J Wright, D Bouchlaghem
Energy and Buildings 75, 199-209, 2014
Modelling curved-layered printing paths for fabricating large-scale construction components
S Lim, RA Buswell, PJ Valentine, D Piker, SA Austin, X De Kestelier
Additive Manufacturing 12, 216-230, 2016
A process classification framework for defining and describing Digital Fabrication with Concrete
RA Buswell, WRL Da Silva, FP Bos, HR Schipper, D Lowke, N Hack, ...
Cement and Concrete Research 134, 106068, 2020
Fabricating construction components using layer manufacturing technology
S Lim, T Le, J Webster, R Buswell, S Austin, A Gibb, T Thorpe
Technology readiness: A global snapshot of 3D concrete printing and the frontiers for development
G Ma, R Buswell, WRL da Silva, L Wang, J Xu, SZ Jones
Cement and Concrete Research 156, 106774, 2022
Integrating reinforcement in digital fabrication with concrete: A review and classification framework
V Mechtcherine, R Buswell, H Kloft, FP Bos, N Hack, R Wolfs, J Sanjayan, ...
Cement and Concrete Composites 119, 103964, 2021
Identification of evolving fuzzy rule-based models
P Angelov, R Buswell
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 10 (5), 667-677, 2002
Demonstration of fault detection and diagnosis methods for air-handling units
LK Norford, JA Wright, RA Buswell, D Luo, CJ Klaassen, A Suby
Hvac&r Research 8 (1), 41-71, 2002
Interlayer reinforcement of 3D printed concrete by the in-process deposition of U-nails
L Wang, G Ma, T Liu, R Buswell, Z Li
Cement and Concrete Research 148, 106535, 2021
Automatic generation of fuzzy rule-based models from data by genetic algorithms
PP Angelov, RA Buswell
Information Sciences 150 (1-2), 17-31, 2003
Design, data and process issues for mega-scale rapid manufacturing machines used for construction
RA Buswell, A Thorpe, RC Soar, AGF Gibb
Automation in Construction 17 (8), 923-929, 2008
A simulation and optimisation study: Towards a decentralised microgrid, using real world fluctuation data
D Quiggin, S Cornell, M Tierney, R Buswell
Energy 41 (1), 549-559, 2012
Decarbonising domestic heating: What is the peak GB demand?
SD Watson, KJ Lomas, RA Buswell
Energy policy 126, 533-544, 2019
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