Gautam Biswas FNA or G Biswas
Gautam Biswas FNA or G Biswas
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati and Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
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Backward-facing step flows for various expansion ratios at low and moderate Reynolds numbers
G Biswas, M Breuer, F Durst
J. Fluids Eng. 126 (3), 362-374, 2004
Comparison of volume-of-fluid methods for surface tension-dominant two-phase flows
D Gerlach, G Tomar, G Biswas, F Durst
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 49 (3-4), 740-754, 2006
Three-dimensional study of flow past a square cylinder at low Reynolds numbers
AK Saha, G Biswas, K Muralidhar
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 24 (1), 54-66, 2003
Numerical and experimental determination of flow structure and heat transfer effects of longitudinal vortices in a channel flow
G Biswas, K Torii, D Fujii, K Nishino
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 39 (16), 3441-3451, 1996
Two-phase electrohydrodynamic simulations using a volume-of-fluid approach
G Tomar, D Gerlach, G Biswas, N Alleborn, A Sharma, F Durst, ...
Journal of Computational Physics 227 (2), 1267-1285, 2007
Heat transfer enhancement in fin-tube heat exchangers by winglet type vortex generators
G Biswas, NK Mitra, M Fiebig
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 37 (2), 283-291, 1994
Flow past a square cylinder at low Reynolds numbers
S Sen, S Mittal, G Biswas
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 67 (9), 1160-1174, 2011
Steady separated flow past a circular cylinder at low Reynolds numbers
S Sen, S Mittal, G Biswas
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 620, 89-119, 2009
Numerical simulation of bubble growth in film boiling using a coupled level-set and volume-of-fluid method
G Tomar, G Biswas, A Sharma, A Agrawal
Physics of Fluids 17 (11), 2005
Regimes during liquid drop impact on a liquid pool
B Ray, G Biswas, A Sharma
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 768, 492-523, 2015
Laminar- to- turbulent transition of pipe flows through puffs and slugs
M Nishi, B Unsal, F Durst, G Biswas
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 614 (doi:10.1017/S0022112008003315), 425 - 446, 2008
Turbulent flows: fundamentals, experiments and modeling
G Biswas, V Eswaran
CRC Press, 2002
Nanoscale study of boiling and evaporation in a liquid Ar film on a Pt heater using molecular dynamics simulation
A Hens, R Agarwal, G Biswas
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 71, 303-312, 2014
A coupled level-set and volume-of-fluid method for the buoyant rise of gas bubbles in liquids
I Chakraborty, G Biswas, PS Ghoshdastidar
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 58 (1-2), 240-259, 2013
Heat transfer in a channel with built-in wing-type vortex generators
G Biswas, H Chattopadhyay
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 35 (4), 803-814, 1992
Large-eddy simulation of flow and heat transfer in an impinging slot jet
T Cziesla, G Biswas, H Chattopadhyay, NK Mitra
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 22 (5), 500-508, 2001
Gas-phase mass transfer in a centrifugal contactor
P Sandilya, DP Rao, A Sharma, G Biswas
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 40 (1), 384-392, 2001
Numerical investigation of confined wakes behind a square cylinder in a channel
A Mukhopadhyay, G Biswas, T Sundararajan
International journal for numerical methods in fluids 14 (12), 1473-1484, 1992
Heat transfer enhancement in cross-flow heat exchangers using oval tubes and multiple delta winglets
S Tiwari, D Maurya, G Biswas, V Eswaran
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 46 (15), 2841-2856, 2003
Quasi-static bubble formation on submerged orifices
D Gerlach, G Biswas, F Durst, V Kolobaric
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 48 (2), 425-438, 2005
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