Didier Beloin-Saint-Pierre
Didier Beloin-Saint-Pierre
EMPA Materials Science and Technology
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Safety assessment of graphene-based materials: focus on human health and the environment
B Fadeel, C Bussy, S Merino, E Vázquez, E Flahaut, F Mouchet, ...
ACS nano 12 (11), 10582-10620, 2018
A review of urban metabolism studies to identify key methodological choices for future harmonization and implementation
D Beloin-Saint-Pierre, B Rugani, S Lasvaux, A Mailhac, E Popovici, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 163, S223-S240, 2017
Addressing temporal considerations in life cycle assessment
D Beloin-Saint-Pierre, A Albers, A Hélias, L Tiruta-Barna, P Fantke, ...
Science of the Total Environment 743, 140700, 2020
Environmental impacts of large-scale grid-connected ground-mounted PV installations
A Beylot, J Payet, C Puech, N Adra, P Jacquin, I Blanc, ...
Renewable Energy 61, 2-6, 2014
The ESPA (Enhanced Structural Path Analysis) method: a solution to an implementation challenge for dynamic life cycle assessment studies
D Beloin-Saint-Pierre, R Heijungs, I Blanc
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 2014
Implementing a Dynamic Life Cycle Assessment Methodology with a Case Study on Domestic Hot Water Production
D Beloin‐Saint‐Pierre, A Levasseur, M Margni, I Blanc
Journal of Industrial Ecology 21 (5), 1128-1138, 2017
Assessing butanol from integrated forest biorefinery: A combined techno-economic and life cycle approach
A Levasseur, O Bahn, D Beloin-Saint-Pierre, M Marinova, K Vaillancourt
Applied Energy 198, 440-452, 2017
Powering a Sustainable and Circular Economy—An Engineering Approach to Estimating Renewable Energy Potentials within Earth System Boundaries
H Desing, R Widmer, D Beloin-Saint-Pierre, R Hischier, P Wäger
Energies 12 (24), 4723, 2019
Towards a more environmentally sustainable production of graphene-based materials
D Beloin-Saint-Pierre, R Hischier
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 2021
Prospective life-cycle assessment of greenhouse gas emissions of electricity-based mobility options
M Rüdisüli, C Bach, C Bauer, D Beloin-Saint-Pierre, U Elber, G Georges, ...
Applied Energy 306, 118065, 2022
Environmental Impacts of Solar Thermal Systems with Life Cycle Assessment
A De Laborderie, C Puech, N Adra, I Blanc, D Beloin-Saint-Pierre, ...
World Renewable Energy Congress-Sweden 57 (14), Pages 3678-3685-ISBN 978-91 …, 2011
Environmental impact of PV systems: effects of energy sources used in production of solar panels
D Beloin-Saint-Pierre, I Blanc, J Payet, P Jacquin, N Adra, D Mayer
24th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, 4517-4520-ISBN 3-936338-25-6, 2009
Benefit of GEOSS Interoperability in Assessment of Environmental Impacts Illustrated by the Case of Photovoltaic Systems
L Ménard, I Blanc, D Beloin-Saint-Pierre, B Gschwind, L Wald, P Blanc, ...
IEEE, 2012
Considering the dynamics of electricity demand and production for the environmental benchmark of Swiss residential buildings that exclusively use electricity
D Beloin-Saint-Pierre, P Padey, B Périsset, V Medici
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 323 (1), 012096, 2019
SPOTTER: Assessing supply disruption impacts along the supply chain within Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment
M Berr, D Beloin-Saint-Pierre, R Hischier, A Hool, P Wäger
Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain 4, 100063, 2022
Understanding LCA results variability: developing global sensitivity analysis with Sobol indices. A first application to photovoltaic systems
P Padey, D Beloin-Saint-Pierre, R Girard, D Le Boulch, I Blanc
International Symposium on Life Cycle ssessment and Construction Civil …, 2012
How suitable is LCA for nanotechnology assessment? Overview of current methodological pitfalls and potential solutions: 65th LCA Discussion Forum, Swiss Federal Institute of …
D Beloin-Saint-Pierre, DA Turner, B Salieri, A Haarman, R Hischier
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 23, 191-196, 2018
How Can Temporal Considerations Open New Opportunities for LCA Industry Applications?
D Beloin-Saint-Pierre, A Levasseur, A Pinsonnault, M Margni, I Blanc
6th International Conférence on Life Cycle Management, 4 pages, 2013
Espace-PV: key sensitive parameters for environmental impacts of grid-connected PV systems with LCA
I Blanc, D Beloin-Saint-Pierre, J Payet, P Jacquin, N Adra, D Mayer
23rd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, 3779-3781 …, 2008
Vers une caractérisation spatiotemporelle pour l'analyse du cycle de vie
D Beloin-Saint-Pierre
Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Paris, 2012
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