Andy U. Torres
Andy U. Torres
Clinical Psychology PHD program (Student), The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley.
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A Cross-sectional Study of the Mental Health Symptoms of Latin American, US Hispanic, and Spanish College Students Amid the COVID-19 Pandemic
A Torres, A Palomin, F Morales, MS Matos, CC Rodríguez, MÁ González, ...
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 2022
Mental Health and Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Examining the Roles of Familism, Social Support, and Stigma in Latinx Caregivers
A Mercado, F Morales, A Torres, RK Chen, KL Nguyen-Finn, ...
Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities, 1-16, 2020
Getting by with a little help from our friends: The role of social support in addressing HIV-related mental health disparities among sexual minorities in the lower rio grande …
J Tabler, L Mykyta, RM Schmitz, A Kamimura, DA Martinez, RD Martinez, ...
Journal of homosexuality 68 (2), 269-289, 2021
Social determinants of sexual behavior and awareness of sexually transmitted infections (STI) among low-income HIV+ or STI at-risk Hispanic residents receiving care at the US …
J Tabler, L Mykyta, RM Schmitz, A Kamimura, DA Martinez, RD Martinez, ...
Journal of community health 44, 127-136, 2019
Use of allied‐health services and medication among adults with ASD in Latin America
A Torres, D Lecusay, D Valdez, A Rosoli, G Garrido, S Cukier, CS Paula, ...
Autism Research 14 (10), 2200-2211, 2021
Where does the congruity effect come from in memorial comparative judgments? A serial-position-based distinctiveness account
J Jou, EE Escamilla, AU Torres, A Ortiz Jr, P Salazar
Journal of Memory and Language 103, 127-150, 2018
Repercussions of the COVID-19 lockdown for autistic people in Mexico: The caregivers’ perspective
G Liz-Perez, A Torres, AC Ramirez, & Montiel-Nava. C.
Salud Mental 45 (4), 159-167, 2022
A Comparison of Psychological Stress and Sleep Problems in Undocumented Students, DACA Recipients, and US Citizens
A Torres, J Kenemore, G Benham
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 1-9, 2022
¿Dónde está mi mamá? Clinical Implications of Family Separations
A Mercado, F Morales, A Torres, A Palomin
Journal of Health Service Psychology, 2022
Co‑occurrence of Neurodevelopmental Disorders Predict Caretaker Mental Health in a Latinx Sample
A Torres, F Morales, KL Nguyen-Finn, A Mercado
The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research, 1-13, 2023
Exploring Potential Ethnic Bias Among MMPI-3 Scales in Assessing Personality Psychopathology
N Shumaker, T Long, A Torres, A Mercado, RJ Marek, JL Anderson
Assessment, 10731911241254341, 2022
Predictors of Traumatic Experiences and Mental Wellbeing Among Recent Immigrant Mothers and Children
A Torres, F Morales, A Palomin, M Dawkins, A Mercado
Journal of Family Strenghts 22 (1), 2022
Clinical and demographic differences by sex in autistic Venezuelan children: A cross-sectional study
A Torres, C Montiel-Nava
Research in Developmental Disabilities 128, 2022
Why seemingly more difficult test conditions produce more accurate recognition of semantic prototype words: A recognition memory paradox?
J Jou, EE Escamilla, AU Torres, A Ortiz, M Perez Jr, R Zuniga
Consciousness and cognition 63, 239-253, 2018
The Psychological Health Symptoms of DACA Recipients: A Systematic Review at the Ten‑Year Mark of the Program
A Torres, G Vidales, P Chapa, Valeria, Ruiz, A Brown, A Mercado
Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health, 2024
Personality and Acculturation as Predictors of Self-harm Behaviors in Latinx Young Adults
A Palomin, R Zapata, A Torres, K Croyle, A Mercado
International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 2023
Why Are Trial-by-Trial, Strength-Based Criterion Shifts Hard to Observe? Is the Difficulty in the Mental Process Itself or in the Typical Cued Criterion Method?
J Jou, EE Escamilla, AU Torres, A Ortiz, MS Matos
The American Journal of Psychology 133 (4), 453-471, 2020
The impact of working with forced migrants in the context of graduate research training.
A Mercado, FR Morales, A Palomin, A Torres, A Venta
Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 2024
The Mental Health Challenges of DACA recipients amid legal challenges
AU Torres, A Mercado
OSF, 2023
Estrés Postraumático y COVID-19 en América Latina: Un llamado a la Acción/Posttraumatic Stress and COVID-19 in Latin American: A Call to Action
A Mercado, A Torres, A Palomin, F Morales, C Colunga-Rodríguez, ...
Journal of Concurrent Disorders, 2023
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