Michael Selzer
Michael Selzer
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Progress report on phase separation in polymer solutions
F Wang, P Altschuh, L Ratke, H Zhang, M Selzer, B Nestler
Advanced Materials 31 (26), 1806733, 2019
The parallel multi-physics phase-field framework Pace3D
J Hötzer, A Reiter, H Hierl, P Steinmetz, M Selzer, B Nestler
Journal of computational science 26, 1-12, 2018
Phase-field elasticity model based on mechanical jump conditions
D Schneider, O Tschukin, A Choudhury, M Selzer, T Böhlke, B Nestler
Computational Mechanics 55, 887-901, 2015
Phase-field model for multiphase systems with preserved volume fractions
B Nestler, F Wendler, M Selzer, B Stinner, H Garcke
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 78 (1 …, 2008
Phase-field modeling of crack propagation in multiphase systems
D Schneider, E Schoof, Y Huang, M Selzer, B Nestler
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 312, 186-195, 2016
Multiscale simulations on the coarsening of Cu-rich precipitates in α-Fe using kinetic Monte Carlo, molecular dynamics and phase-field simulations
D Molnar, R Mukherjee, A Choudhury, A Mora, P Binkele, M Selzer, ...
Acta Materialia 60 (20), 6961-6971, 2012
Multiphase-field modeling of martensitic phase transformation in a dual-phase microstructure
E Schoof, D Schneider, N Streichhan, T Mittnacht, M Selzer, B Nestler
International journal of solids and structures 134, 181-194, 2018
A phase-field approach for wetting phenomena of multiphase droplets on solid surfaces
M Ben Said, M Selzer, B Nestler, D Braun, C Greiner, H Garcke
Langmuir 30 (14), 4033-4039, 2014
Parallel computing for phase-field models
A Vondrous, M Selzer, J Hötzer, B Nestler
The International journal of high performance computing applications 28 (1 …, 2014
Kadi4Mat: A research data infrastructure for materials science
N Brandt, L Griem, C Herrmann, E Schoof, G Tosato, Y Zhao, ...
Data Science Journal 20, 8-8, 2021
On the stress calculation within phase-field approaches: a model for finite deformations
D Schneider, F Schwab, E Schoof, A Reiter, C Herrmann, M Selzer, ...
Computational Mechanics 60, 203-217, 2017
Calibration of a multi-phase field model with quantitative angle measurement
J Hötzer, O Tschukin, MB Said, M Berghoff, M Jainta, G Barthelemy, ...
Journal of materials science 51, 1788-1797, 2016
Small strain multiphase-field model accounting for configurational forces and mechanical jump conditions
D Schneider, E Schoof, O Tschukin, A Reiter, C Herrmann, F Schwab, ...
Computational Mechanics 61, 277-295, 2018
Phase-field study of grain boundary tracking behavior in crack-seal microstructures
K Ankit, B Nestler, M Selzer, M Reichardt
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 166, 1709-1723, 2013
Data science approaches for microstructure quantification and feature identification in porous membranes
P Altschuh, YC Yabansu, J Hötzer, M Selzer, B Nestler, SR Kalidindi
Journal of Membrane Science 540, 88-97, 2017
Combined crystal plasticity and phase-field method for recrystallization in a process chain of sheet metal production
A Vondrous, P Bienger, S Schreijäg, M Selzer, D Schneider, B Nestler, ...
Computational Mechanics 55, 439-452, 2015
Multiphase-field model of small strain elasto-plasticity according to the mechanical jump conditions
C Herrmann, E Schoof, D Schneider, F Schwab, A Reiter, M Selzer, ...
Computational Mechanics 62, 1399-1412, 2018
Prediction of heat conduction in open-cell foams via the diffuse interface representation of the phase-field method
A August, J Ettrich, M Rölle, S Schmid, M Berghoff, M Selzer, B Nestler
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 84, 800-808, 2015
Modeling fracture cementation processes in calcite limestone: a phase-field study
N Prajapati, M Selzer, B Nestler, B Busch, C Hilgers
Geothermal Energy 6, 1-15, 2018
Quartz cementation in polycrystalline sandstone: Insights from phase‐field simulations
N Prajapati, A Abad Gonzalez, M Selzer, B Nestler, B Busch, C Hilgers
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 125 (2), e2019JB019137, 2020
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