weijun He(何维均)
weijun He(何维均)
Doctor, College of Material Science and Engineering, Chongqing University
Patvirtintas el. paštas
An evolutionary game analysis of governments’ decision-making behaviors and factors influencing watershed ecological compensation in China
X Gao, J Shen, W He, F Sun, Z Zhang, W Guo, X Zhang, Y Kong
Journal of Environmental Management 251, 109592, 2019
Energy and CO2 emissions efficiency of major economies: A non-parametric analysis
Y Iftikhar, W He, Z Wang
Journal of Cleaner Production 139, 779-787, 2016
Spatiotemporal change of ecologic environment quality and human interaction factors in three gorges ecologic economic corridor, based on RSEI
M An, P Xie, W He, B Wang, J Huang, R Khanal
Ecological Indicators 141, 109090, 2022
Water allocation in transboundary river basins under water scarcity: a cooperative bargaining approach
DM Degefu, W He, L Yuan, JH Zhao
Water resources management 30, 4451-4466, 2016
CO2 emissions efficiency and marginal abatement costs of the regional transportation sectors in China
Z Wang, W He
Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 50, 83-97, 2017
Will regional economic integration influence carbon dioxide marginal abatement costs? Evidence from Chinese panel data
W He, B Wang, Z Wang
Energy Economics 74, 263-274, 2018
Spatial-temporal analysis of ecosystem services value and research on ecological compensation in Taihu Lake Basin of Jiangsu Province in China from 2005 to 2018
X Gao, J Shen, W He, X Zhao, Z Li, W Hu, J Wang, Y Ren, X Zhang
Journal of Cleaner Production 317, 128241, 2021
Decoupling economic growth from water consumption in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, China
Y Kong, W He, L Yuan, Z Zhang, X Gao, DM Degefu
Ecological Indicators 123, 107344, 2021
Prospect theory in an evolutionary game: Construction of watershed ecological compensation system in Taihu Lake Basin
J Shen, X Gao, W He, F Sun, Z Zhang, Y Kong, Z Wan, X Zhang, Z Li, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 291, 125929, 2021
Extraordinary room temperature tensile ductility of laminated Ti/Al composite: Roles of anisotropy and strain rate sensitivity
W Chen, W He, Z Chen, B Jiang, Q Liu
International Journal of Plasticity 133, 102806, 2020
Improving the room temperature stretch formability of a Mg alloy thin sheet by pre-twinning
W He, Q Zeng, H Yu, Y Xin, B Luan, Q Liu
Materials Science and Engineering: A 655, 1-8, 2016
Coupling and coordination degrees of the core water–energy–food nexus in China
S Xu, W He, J Shen, DM Degefu, L Yuan, Y Kong
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (9), 1648, 2019
Coordination of the industrial-ecological economy in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, China
L Yuan, R Li, W He, X Wu, Y Kong, DM Degefu, TS Ramsey
Frontiers in Environmental Science 10, 882221, 2022
The spatial spillover effect of China's carbon emissions trading policy on industrial carbon intensity: evidence from a spatial difference-in-difference method
S Dai, Y Qian, W He, C Wang, T Shi
Structural Change and Economic Dynamics 63, 139-149, 2022
Transboundary water sharing problem; a theoretical analysis using evolutionary game and system dynamics
L Yuan, W He, DM Degefu, Z Liao, X Wu, M An, Z Zhang, TS Ramsey
Journal of Hydrology 582, 124521, 2020
Effect of interlayer material and rolling temperature on microstructures and mechanical properties of titanium/steel clad plates
BX Li, ZJ Chen, WJ He, PJ Wang, JS Lin, Y Wang, L Peng, J Li, Q Liu
Materials Science and Engineering: A 749, 241-248, 2019
Osteoimmunology in orthodontic tooth movement
C Jiang, Z Li, H Quan, L Xiao, J Zhao, C Jiang, Y Wang, J Liu, Y Gou, ...
Oral Diseases 21 (6), 694-704, 2015
Simultaneous enhancement of strength and ductility for AZ31 magnesium alloy by pre-twinning induced heterostructure
W Chen, W He, B Jiang, F Pan
International Journal of Plasticity 159, 103483, 2022
Changes in ecosystem services value and establishment of watershed ecological compensation standards
X Gao, J Shen, W He, F Sun, Z Zhang, X Zhang, C Zhang, Y Kong, M An, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 16 (16), 2951, 2019
Development of multidimensional water poverty in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, China
L Yuan, D Yang, X Wu, W He, Y Kong, TS Ramsey, DM Degefu
Journal of Environmental Management 325, 116608, 2023
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