Tor Erik Eriksen
Tor Erik Eriksen
Patvirtintas el. paštas
The recovery of European freshwater biodiversity has come to a halt
P Haase, DE Bowler, NJ Baker, N Bonada, S Domisch, ...
Nature 620 (7974), 582-588, 2023
A global perspective on the application of riverine macroinvertebrates as biological indicators in Africa, South-Central America, Mexico and Southern Asia
TE Eriksen, JE Brittain, G Søli, D Jacobsen, P Goethals, N Friberg
Ecological Indicators 126, 107609, 2021
Eutrophication impacts littoral biota in Lake Ohrid while water phosphorus concentrations are low
SC Schneider, M Cara, TE Eriksen, BB Goreska, A Imeri, L Kupe, ...
Limnologica 44, 90-97, 2014
Climate change impacts on water quality and biodiversity
AL Solheim, K Austnes, TE Eriksen, I Seifert, S Holen
Background report for EEA European environment state and outlook report, 1-68, 2010
Littoral eutrophication indicators are more closely related to nearshore land use than to water nutrient concentrations: A critical evaluation of stressor-response relationships
SC Schneider, V Biberdžić, V Braho, BB Gjoreska, M Cara, Z Dana, ...
Science of the Total Environment 748, 141193, 2020
Short-Term Effects on Riverine Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera of Rotenone and Aluminum Sulfate Treatment to Eradicate Gyrodactylus salaris
TE Eriksen, JV Amekleiv, G Kjærstad
Journal of Freshwater Ecology 24 (4), 597-607, 2009
Multi-decadal improvements in the ecological quality of European rivers are not consistently reflected in biodiversity metrics
JS Sinclair, EAR Welti, F Altermatt, M Álvarez-Cabria, J Aroviita, NJ Baker, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 8 (3), 430-441, 2024
Tilstandsklassifisering av vannforekomster i Vannområde Glomma Sør for Øyeren (2011) i henhold til vannforskriften.
S Haande, T Eriksen, M Kile, C Hagman, H Borch, R Brænden, ...
Norsk institutt for vannforskning, 2012
The global EPTO database: Worldwide occurrences of aquatic insects
A Grigoropoulou, SA Hamid, R Acosta, EO Akindele, SA Al‐Shami, ...
Global ecology and biogeography 32 (5), 642-655, 2023
The importance of aquatic macrophytes in a eutrophic tropical shallow lake
T Swe, P Lombardo, A Ballot, JE Thrane, J Sample, TE Eriksen, M Mjelde
Limnologica 90, 125910, 2021
Plastic recycling plant as a point source of microplastics to sediment and macroinvertebrates in a remote stream
EMF Kallenbach, TE Eriksen, RR Hurley, D Jacobsen, C Singdahl-Larsen, ...
Microplastics and Nanoplastics 2 (1), 26, 2022
Effects of pollution-induced changes in oxygen conditions scaling up from individuals to ecosystems in a tropical river network
TE Eriksen, D Jacobsen, BOL Demars, JE Brittain, G Søli, N Friberg
Science of the Total Environment 814, 151958, 2022
Ecological condition, biodiversity and major environmental challenges in a tropical river network in the Bago District in South-central Myanmar: First insights to the unknown
TE Eriksen, N Friberg, JE Brittain, G Søli, A Ballot, E Årstein-Eriksen, ...
Limnologica 86, 125835, 2021
Tiltaksorientert overvåking i vannområde Mjøsa
JE Løvik, TE Eriksen, MR Kile
Årsrapport/datarapport for, 6316-2012, 2011
Vurdering av økologisk tilstand i Osloelvene
T Bækken, M Bergan, TE Eriksen, E Lund
Bunndyr og fisk i Akerselva og Hovinbekken vår og høst, 47, 2010
Distribution, identification and range expansion of the common Asellidae in Northern Europe, featuring the first record of Proasellus meridianus in the Nordic countries
JL Kemp, A Ballot, JP Nilssen, I Spikkeland, TE Eriksen
NTNU Open Access Journals, 2020
Integrated Water Resources Management in Myanmar. Water usage and introduction to water quality criteria for lakes and rivers in Myanmar. Preliminary report.
M Mjelde, A Ballot, T Swe, TE Eriksen, I Nesheim, TT Aung
NIVA-rapport, 2017
Characterization of the Bago Sub-Basin Pilot Implementing the EU Water Framework Directive
TE Eriksen, I Nesheim, N Friberg, TT Aung, ZW Myint
NIVA-rapport, 2017
The influence of littoral on mercury bioaccumulation in a humic lake
M Lindholm, HA de Wit, TE Eriksen, HFV Braaten
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 225, 1-11, 2014
Vurdering av kunnskapsgrunnlag for leirpåvirkede elver
TE Eriksen, M Lindholm, MR Kile, AL Solheim, N Friberg
Norsk institutt for vannforskning, 2015
Sistema negali atlikti operacijos. Bandykite vėliau dar kartą.
Straipsniai 1–20