Steffen Seitz
Steffen Seitz
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
SalaciaML: A Deep Learning Approach for Supporting Ocean Data Quality Control
S Mieruch, S Demirel, S Simoncelli, R Schlitzer, S Seitz
Frontiers in Marine Science 8, 611742, 2021
Do humans and Convolutional Neural Networks attend to similar areas during scene classification: Effects of task and image type
R Müller, M Dürschmidt, J Ullrich, C Knoll, S Weber, S Seitz
Applied Sciences 14 (6), 2648, 2024
Interpretability is in the eye of the beholder: Human versus artificial classification of image segments generated by humans versus XAI
R Müller, M Thoß, J Ullrich, S Seitz, C Knoll
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction, 1-23, 2024
Towards Generalizable Classification of Partial Discharges in Gas-Insulated HVDC Systems using Neural Networks: Protrusions and Particles
S Seitz, T Götz, C Lindenberg, R Tetzlaff, S Schlegel
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2024
Do humans and CNN better understand the visual explanations generated by other humans or XAI algorithms?
R Müller, M Thoß, J Ullrich, S Weber, C Knoll, S Seitz
2nd TRR 318 Conference: Measuring Understanding, 2023
Self-Supervised Health Index Curve Generation for Condition-Based Predictive Maintenance
S Seitz, M Arnold, R Tetzlaff, P Holstein
MDPI Electronics, 4941, 2023
Ultraschallsensoren für die Instandhaltung
P Holstein, N Bader, C Probst, S Seitz
Tagungsband, 457-461, 2019
Towards fault diagnosis with attention
S Seitz, R Tetzlaff, J Müller, P Holstein, C Probst
Proceedings of the 26th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, ICSV 2020, 2019
Adaptive Data Compression of Ultrasound Data for Long Term Data Acquisition and Trend Evaluation
P Holstein, S Seitz, A Tharandt, C Probst, R Tetzlaff
Proceedings 12th ECNDT, Göteborg ISBN, 978-91, 0
Block Induced Signature Generative Adversarial Network (BISGAN): Signature Spoofing Using GANs and Their Evaluation
H Amjad, K Goeller, S Seitz, C Knoll, N Bajwa, R Tetzlaff, MI Malik
arXiv preprint arXiv:2410.06041, 2024
Acoustical Monitoring of Electrical Discharges
P Holstein, K Fuchs, S Seitz, F Berger, N Bader, S Moeck, D Döbler
INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings 261 (3), 3974-3981, 2020
Trendbewertung in Ultraschall-Sensorsystemen mit LSTM basierten RNN-Autoencodern
S Seitz, C Probst, J Müller, R Tetzlaff, P Holstein
DAGA, 44. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Akustik, München, 2018
Neuronale Netze zur Klassifikation elektrischer Entladevorgänge
S Seitz, J Müller, R Tetzlaff, P Holstein
Akustik von Entladungen
P Holstein, K Fuchs, S Seitz, F Berger, S Moeck, S Uziel
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Straipsniai 1–14