Justin Hanes
Justin Hanes
Patvirtintas el. paštas
PEGylation as a strategy for improving nanoparticle-based drug and gene delivery
JS Suk, Q Xu, N Kim, J Hanes, LM Ensign
Advanced drug delivery reviews 99, 28-51, 2016
Mucus-penetrating nanoparticles for drug and gene delivery to mucosal tissues
SK Lai, YY Wang, J Hanes
Advanced drug delivery reviews 61 (2), 158-171, 2009
Oral drug delivery with polymeric nanoparticles: the gastrointestinal mucus barriers
LM Ensign, R Cone, J Hanes
Advanced drug delivery reviews 64 (6), 557-570, 2012
Large porous particles for pulmonary drug delivery
DA Edwards, J Hanes, G Caponetti, J Hrkach, A Ben-Jebria, ML Eskew, ...
Science 276 (5320), 1868-1872, 1997
Micro-and macrorheology of mucus
SK Lai, YY Wang, D Wirtz, J Hanes
Advanced drug delivery reviews 61 (2), 86-100, 2009
Rapid transport of large polymeric nanoparticles in fresh undiluted human mucus
SK Lai, DE O'Hanlon, S Harrold, ST Man, YY Wang, R Cone, J Hanes
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (5), 1482-1487, 2007
Addressing the PEG mucoadhesivity paradox to engineer nanoparticles that “slip” through the human mucus barrier
YY Wang, SK Lai, JS Suk, A Pace, R Cone, J Hanes
Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 47 (50), 9726, 2008
A dense poly (ethylene glycol) coating improves penetration of large polymeric nanoparticles within brain tissue
EA Nance, GF Woodworth, KA Sailor, TY Shih, Q Xu, G Swaminathan, ...
Science translational medicine 4 (149), 149ra119-149ra119, 2012
Particles incorporating surfactants for pulmonary drug delivery
J Hanes, DA Edwards, C Evora, R Langer
US Patent 5,855,913, 1999
Aerodynamically light particles for pulmonary drug delivery
DA Edwards, G Caponetti, JS Hrkach, N Lotan, J Hanes, AA Ben-Jebria, ...
US Patent 5,874,064, 1999
Impact of Surface Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) Density on Biodegradable Nanoparticle Transport in Mucus ex Vivo and Distribution in Vivo
Q Xu, LM Ensign, NJ Boylan, A Schon, X Gong, JC Yang, NW Lamb, ...
ACS nano 9 (9), 9217-9227, 2015
Biodegradable polymer nanoparticles that rapidly penetrate the human mucus barrier
BC Tang, M Dawson, SK Lai, YY Wang, JS Suk, M Yang, P Zeitlin, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (46), 19268-19273, 2009
A theoretical model of erosion and macromolecular drug release from biodegrading microspheres
RP Batycky, J Hanes, R Langer, DA Edwards
Journal of pharmaceutical sciences 86 (12), 1464-1477, 1997
Efficient active transport of gene nanocarriers to the cell nucleus
J Suh, D Wirtz, J Hanes
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 100 (7), 3878-3882, 2003
Nanoparticles for oral delivery: design, evaluation and state-of-the-art
AA Date, J Hanes, LM Ensign
Journal of Controlled Release 240, 504-526, 2016
Nanoparticle diffusion in respiratory mucus from humans without lung disease
BS Schuster, JS Suk, GF Woodworth, J Hanes
Biomaterials 34 (13), 3439-3446, 2013
Nanoparticles reveal that human cervicovaginal mucus is riddled with pores larger than viruses
SK Lai, YY Wang, K Hida, R Cone, J Hanes
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (2), 598-603, 2010
Mucus-penetrating nanoparticles for vaginal drug delivery protect against herpes simplex virus
LM Ensign, BC Tang, YY Wang, TA Tse, T Hoen, R Cone, J Hanes
Science translational medicine 4 (138), 138ra79-138ra79, 2012
Enhanced viscoelasticity of human cystic fibrotic sputum correlates with increasing microheterogeneity in particle transport
M Dawson, D Wirtz, J Hanes
Journal of Biological Chemistry 278 (50), 50393-50401, 2003
The penetration of fresh undiluted sputum expectorated by cystic fibrosis patients by non-adhesive polymer nanoparticles
JS Suk, SK Lai, YY Wang, LM Ensign, PL Zeitlin, MP Boyle, J Hanes
Biomaterials 30 (13), 2591-2597, 2009
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